Current list of active journals
  • Analecta

    Analecta is Indiana University South Bend’s award-winning Literary & Visual Arts Journal. It is published annually under the guidance of a student editor who selects the best poetry, fiction, drama, and visual artwork submitted by IUSB students. ISSN 2574-1799.

  • Bulletin Bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals

    Fondée en 1955 à Pampelune, la Société Rencesvals a pour but de promouvoir l'étude des épopées romanes. La société internationale organise des congrès triennaux et publie un bulletin bibliographique annuel, distribué aux membres, et les différentes sections nationales ont leurs propres activités. ISSN 0583-8797.

  • Children's Folklore Review

    The Children's Folklore Review is the annual publication of the Children's Folklore Section of the American Folklore Society. The journal publishes articles on all aspects of children's traditions: oral, customary, and material culture. ISSN 0739-5558.

  • Developmental Observer

    The Developmental Observer, the official publication of the NIDCAP Federation International (NFI), is produced as a benefit to its professional membership and the broader profession. The publication provides information about the organization and furthers understanding of the NIDCAP work. A few of the regular columns appear from issue to issue, while others feature different aspects of the NFI’s efforts. The Developmental Observer provides original articles, news items, resources, meeting abstracts, and information and stories of NIDCAP Training and its integration into clinical care. The focus of the Developmental Observer is on NIDCAP Training and its outcomes, developmental care and family-focused articles about newborn babies who are premature or sick in all settings in hospitals across the globe. ISSN: 2689-2650.

    NIDCAP® is a registered trademark of the NFI, Inc. ©NIDCAP Federation International, 2019.

  • Digest: A Journal of Foodways and Culture

    Digest: A Journal of Foodways and Culture, online since 2012, was founded in 1977 by the Foodways Section of the American Folklore Society. It welcomes the exchange of ideas and resources among food writers, scholars, and students in diverse disciplinary areas of interest and practice, including teaching, museum curation, archiving, and professional culinary arts. The journal aims to promote, stimulate, and encourage study of the cultural and social dimensions of food production, preparation, consumption, and other aspects of food use, and often emphasizes food’s role in individual and group expression. Digest publishes peer reviewed lead essays, research notes, reviews of relevant media and productions, and creative endeavors such as photo-text essays, contextualized or interpreted recipes, podcasts, representations of food-related archival collections and other assemblages.

    ISSN: 2329-4787.

    For articles from the previous iteration of this journal, please view the Digest: An Interdisciplinary Study of Food and Foodways (1977-2008) collection in IUScholarWorks.

  • Global Engagement and Transformation

    The Journal of Global Engagement and Transformation aims to move beyond disciplinary boundaries towards wider transdisciplinary dialogue on factors influencing the social and emotional determinants of an individual’s life course, which are increasingly hybrid, diasporic, border-crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global. ISSN 2572-455X.

  • Global Journal of Transformative Education

    GJTE is an open-source, peer reviewed journal created to share research and practical applications related to transformative education in the entire spectrum of educational settings around the world. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts describing scholarly research, teaching strategies, curriculum frameworks. and reviews of educational resources that support transformative teaching and learning in PK-20 schools and adult education programs. ISSN 2640-1533.

  • In Practice

    In Practice is a new scholarly publication set to be published annually in Fall of each year on IUScholarWorks. The first edition is scheduled to be published in Fall 2021. We are currently accepting submissions, view our Call for Papers. Papers recieved will be reviewed in the summer before the publication date, and volumized for that year's publication. Learn about our process, how to submit, and more on the Submit page. Information about the In Practice Team can be found here. Send inquiries and concerns about In Practice to

  • International Journal of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education

    The International Journal of Literacy, Culture and Language Education (IJLCLE) is an open-source peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of literacy, culture, and language education from multi- inter-and trans-disciplinary perspectives. Its mission is two-fold: (1) to promote the exchange of ideas and dissemination of research, and (2) to facilitate academic exchange between scholars from diverse fields of study worldwide. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts describing scholarly research on a wide range of topics related to language, literacy, culture in education. (ISSN: 2642-4002)

  • Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences

    The Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences is an open access serial publication of the Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS), a research institute of Indiana University and the state-legislated archive for geologic and hydrologic data. While the journal serves as the primary outlet for scholarly communication of the IGWS, it has a broad mission to publish Earth science research about Indiana and the surrounding region.

    To search for IGWS publications earlier than 2019, please visit IGWS Digital Collections at

  • IU Journal of Undergraduate Research

    The Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research (IUJUR) is a student organization supported by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. It aims to create a student-run, faculty-mentored, annual undergraduate research publication for all of the IU campuses. For more information, including a detailed submission guide, please see ISSN 2379-5611.

  • IUSB Graduate Research Journal

    The Graduate Research Journal is a multidisciplinary journal specifically for graduate students. The goal of the Journal is to publish the best research and/or critical graduate work produced at IU South Bend every year. We provide opportunities for academic and professional experience through the peer review and editing process done by graduate students, as well as marketing and advertising experience through the promotion of submissions and our end-of-the-year release party. ISSN 2373-8308.

  • Indiana Working Papers in Speech Sound Articulation

    The Indiana Working Papers in Speech Sound Articulation (IWPSSA) is a platform for releasing preliminary scientific and technical papers focused on the articulation of speech sounds. Any and all articulatory research is appropriate. In the spirit of quarterly lab reports, the goal of IWPSSA is to encourage scholars to publish small, discrete portions of their research while they continue to work towards publishing full, archival journal papers. 

  • Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures

    The Indiana Working Papers in South Asian Languages and Cultures (IWPSALC) is a platform for releasing preliminary scholarship (scientific and technical papers, community-based research, lab reports, state-of-the-research reports, etc.) about South Asian languages and cultures. The topic area is intentionally broad, as our main goal is to promote an active community of scholars and researchers working to disseminate knowledge. In the spirit of quarterly lab reports, the aim of IWPSALC is to encourage scholars to publish small, discrete portions of their research while they continue to work towards publishing full, archival journal papers. ISSN: 2688-7215.

  • Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning

    The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL) publishes relevant, interesting, and challenging peer-reviewed articles of research, analysis, or promising practice related to all aspects of implementing problem-, project-, inquiry-, or case-based learning in K–12 and post-secondary classrooms or workplaces. ISSN 1541-5015.

  • IU South Bend Undergraduate Research Journal

    The IUSB Undergraduate Research Journal is one of several student-run publications on the IU South Bend campus.  All editors-in-chief and assistant editors are undergraduates who collaborate with student authors and are integral in evaluating, compiling, and designing each year’s edition.  The final published product showcases the exemplary scholarship of IU South Bend’s student body.

  • Indiana University South Bend Undergraduate Research Journal of History

    The Indiana University South Bend Undergraduate Research Journal of History represents an exciting chance to see students' historical research published in a peer-reviewed journal devoted solely to history. Being published in an academic journal is an excellent way to distinguish yourself when applying to graduate schools or for future employment. Here is your chance to see your work in print.

  • Journal of Academic Advising

    The Journal of Academic Advising is a forum for academic advisors and directors to publish their research in all facets of academic advising. We especially value the multidisciplinary approach that advisors practice on a daily basis. These approaches are enshrined in our mission to: 1) encourage interdisciplinary inquiry methods and theories in the field of academic advising, 2) promote the exchange of humanistic inquiry as it relates to advising, and 3) facilitate collaboration between advising staff and faculty. ISSN 2577-168X.

  • Journal of Folklore Research

    The Journal of Folklore Research is an international forum for current theory and research among scholars of traditional culture. Its pages include incisive examinations of vernacular or traditional expressive forms, as well as essays that address the fieldwork experience and the intellectual history of folklore and ethnomusicology studies. ISSN 0737-7037.

  • Journal of Folklore Research Reviews

    The Journal of Folklore Research Reviews presents reviews of works relevant to the disciplines of folkloristics and ethnomusicology, offering timely and concise reviews delivered free of charge directly through an email subscription list and stored online at the Journal of Folklore Research Reviews website.

  • Journal of the History of Music Theory and Literature

    The journal publishes scholarship relevant to historical writings on music, their authors and sources. The aim is to expand the knowledge about music as an intellectual discipline and in a historical perspective. The journal is a publication of the Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.

  • Journal of Public and Environmental Affairs

    The Journal of Public and Environmental Affairs is a graduate, student-run academic publication at Indiana University’s Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The Journal publishes timely, relevant, original, thought-provoking, and solution-oriented pieces on public and environmental affairs issues. The Journal is a platform open to students, faculty, and practitioners from inside and outside Indiana University to publish their original research and analysis. ISSN: 2578-1294

  • Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology

    The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT) is an international journal dedicated to exploring efforts to enhance student learning in higher education through the use of technology. ISSN 2165-2554.

    As of 2019, the journal will publish one special issue per year. The call for proposals will be released through various routes, including as an announcement to our reviewers and authors. 

  • Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University

    The Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University (formerly The Journal of the Indiana University Student Personnel Association) has been published annually since 1967 by the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University with support from the Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) Program. The Journal is produced expressly to provide an opportunity for HESA master’s students to publish articles pertinent to the field of student affairs. ISSN 2334-1548.

  • Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East

    The Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East (JSRIUE) selectively publishes the accomplishments of dedicated undergraduate and graduate students' research, scholarship, & creative activity. Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram!  We accept submissions on a rolling basis from students taking a class at IU East.  See  Spring, Fall, & New Writers editions each year.  ISSN: 2642-0643

  • Language@Internet

    Language@Internet is an open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly electronic journal that publishes original research on language and language use mediated by the Internet, the World Wide Web, and mobile technologies. ISSN: 1860-2029


  • The Medieval Review

    Since 1993, The Medieval Review (TMR; formerly the Bryn Mawr Medieval Review) has been publishing reviews of current work in all areas of Medieval Studies, a field it interprets as broadly as possible. The electronic medium allows for very rapid publication of reviews, and provides a computer searchable archive of past reviews, both of which are of great utility to scholars and students around the world. ISSN 1096-746X.

  • New Views on Gender

    New Views on Gender is an annual all student publication. We are interested in both research and creative work (poetry, short stories, photography, artwork, etc.) that deals with issues of gender and sexuality. For more information or to submit your work, please contact us at

  • New Directions in Folklore

    New Directions in Folklore (NDiF) is the refereed online journal of NewFolk, a community of over one hundred scholars, professionals, students, and interested laypersons dedicated to pushing the envelope of scholarship in the exploration of contemporary culture. ISSN 2161-9964.

  • Research, Advocacy, and Practice for Complex and Chronic Conditions

    Research, Advocacy, and Practice for Complex and Chronic Conditions: A Journal for Physical, Health, and Multiple Disabilities Services (RAPCC) is the official journal of Complex and Chronic Conditions, the Division for Physical, Health, and Multiple Disabilities (formerly DPHMD) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).  RAPCC is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on research, issues, and program innovations, promising practices, advocacy and high-quality research with the potential to impact the lives of individuals with complex disabilities, conditions, and chronic health care needs that relate to the educational and related services needs of individuals with physical, health, and/or multiple disabilities. ISSN 2831-5723.

  • Studies in Digital Heritage

    Studies in Digital Heritage (SDH) is a peer-reviewed academic journal established by the Office of Scholarly Publishing (OSP) and the Virtual World Heritage Lab at Indiana University. The mission of SDH is to promote the open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and others who strive to improve the collection, use, management, preservation, and dissemination of Digitized Cultural Heritage. The vision of SDH is to be the premier forum where the scientific discussion among scholars can be developed, touching the entire gamut of Digital Heritage. SDH publishes peer-reviewed research articles and occasionally non-peer-reviewed materials (e.g., interviews and editorials) with biannual frequency. SDH is listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and  SCOPUS. ISSN 2574-1748

  • Tributaries

    Tributaries is a student-produced literary and arts journal published at Indiana University East that seeks to publish invigorating and multifaceted fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays, and art.

  • Vietnamese and Global Buddhist Studies

    Vietnamese and Global Buddhist Studies (VGBS) is a peer-reviewed, open-source journal that seeks to increase and contribute to the scholarly discussion in the field of Buddhist Studies, with special but not exclusive emphasis placed on Buddhist Studies within Vietnam and the Vietnamese diaspora.

  • The World is Our Home

    IU Books & Beyond is a University Student Organization at Indiana University Bloomington. We promote intercultural communication, literacy skills, advancement of education, and service-learning by engaging students in authoring, illustrating, publishing, and marketing a collection of short stories. 

    Issues of this annual anthology are embargoed for two years after print publication in Rwanda.