24.12.11 Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ed. Between Ostrogothic and Carolingian Italy: Survivals, Revivals, Ruptures.
24.12.10 Marcus, Ivan G. How the West Became Antisemitic: Jews and the Formation of Europe, 800-1500.
24.12.09 Kaplan, S. C. Women’s Libraries in Late Medieval Bourbonnais, Burgundy, and France: A Family Affair.
24.12.08 Vasselot de Régné, Clément de. Pouvoir et solidarités d'une famille seigneuriale. Le « Parentat » Lusignan entre France, Îles Britanniques et Orient latin (Xe-XIVe siècles).
24.12.07 Andersson, Elin, Ingela Hedström, and Mia Äkestam, eds. Birgittine Circles: People and Saints in the Medieval World.
24.12.06 Heil, Uta, ed. From Sun-Day to the Lord’s Day: The Cultural History of Sunday in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
24.12.05 Mazanec, Thomas J. Poet-Monks: The Invention of Buddhist Poetry in Late Medieval China.
24.12.04 Seeberger, Julia. Olfaktorik und Entgrenzung: Die Visionen der Wienerin Agnes Blannbekin.
24.12.03 Giraudet, Luke. Public Opinion and Political Contest in Late Medieval Paris: The Parisian Bourgeois and his Community, 1400-1450.
24.12.02 Carpentieri, Nicola. Writing the Twilight: The Arabic Poetics of Ageing in Medieval Sicily and al-Andalus.
24.12.01 Bolòs, Jordi. The Historic Landscape of Catalonia: Landscape History of a Mediterranean Country in the Middle Ages.
24.11.13 Söder, Joachim, ed & trans. Johannes Duns Scotus. Questionen zur Metaphysik des Aristoteles, Buch 1. Lateinisch--Deutsch.
24.11.12 Ozawa, Minoru, Thomas W. Smith, and Georg Strack, eds. Communicating Papal Authority in the Middle Ages.
24.11.11 Gillhammer, Cosima Clara, ed. A Late-Medieval History of the Ancient and Biblical World, Volume I: The Text and Volume II: Introduction, Commentary, Glossary, and Bibliography.
24.11.10 Beechy, Tiffany. Aesthetics and the Incarnation in Early Medieval Britain: Materiality and the Flesh of the Word.
24.11.09 Santinelli-Foltz, Emmanuelle. Couples et Conjugalité au Haut Moyen Âge (VIe-XIIe Siècles).
24.11.08 Nakaya, So. Raising Claims: Justice and Commune in Late Medieval Italy.
24.11.07 Greatrex, Geoffrey, ed. Procopius of Caesarea, The Persian Wars: A Historical Commentary.
24.11.06 De Callataÿ, Godefroid, Mattia Cavagna, and Baudouin Van den Abeele, eds. Speculum Arabicum.
24.11.05 Cordonnier, Rémy. L’iconographie du Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le clerc de Normandie.
24.11.04 Jacobs, Lynn F. The Painted Triptychs of Fifteenth-Century Germany: Case Studies of Blurred Boundaries.
24.11.03 Rosenberg, Samuel N., trans. Tales of a Minstrel of Reims in the Thirteenth Century. : Introduction by William Chester Jordan and Annotated by Randall Todd Pippenger.
24.11.02 Videen, Hana. The Deorhord: An Old English Bestiary.
24.11.01 Messerli, Sylviane, ed. André le Moine: La Penitance Adam.
24.10.30 Hindley, Katherine Storm. Textual Magic: Charms and Written Amulets in Medieval England.
24.10.29 Sobehrad, Lane J., and Susan J. Sobehrad. Medieval History in the Modern Classroom: Using Project-Based Learning to Engage Today’s Learners. Teaching the Middle Ages.
24.10.28 Rankin, Susan. Sounding the Word of God: Carolingian Books for Singers.
24.10.27 Oldfield, Paul. Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266.
24.10.26 Zenith, Richard, ed. and trans. Cantigas: Galician-Portuguese Troubadour Poems.
24.10.25 Pettit, Edward, ed. and trans. The Poetic Edda: A Dual-Language Edition.
24.10.24 Mairey, Aude. La Fabrique de l’anglais: Genèse socio-culturelle d’une langue à la fin du moyen âge.
24.10.23 Star, Sarah. ed. Henry Daniel and the Rise of Middle English Medical Writing.
24.10.22 Taranu, Catalin and Michael J. Kelly, eds. Vera Lex Historiae? Constructions of Truth in Medieval Historical Narrative.
24.10.21 Naismith, Rory. Making Money in the Early Middle Ages.
24.10.20 Lincoln, Kyle C. A Constellation of Authority: Castilian Bishops and the Secular Church during the Reign of Alfonso VIII.
24.10.19 Boudet, Jean-Patrice, Jean-Charles Coulon, Philippe Faure, and Julien Véronèse, eds. Le roi Salomon au Moyen Âge: Savoirs et representations.
24.10.18 Coggeshall, Elizabeth. On Amistà: Negotiating Friendship in Dante’s Italy.
24.10.17 Cook, Brenda M. Astralabe: The Life and Times of the Son of Heloise and Abelard.
24.10.16 Jasperse, Jitske. Medieval Women, Material Culture, and Power: Matilda Plantagenet and her Sisters.
24.10.15 Caldwell, Mary Channen. Devotional Refrains in Medieval Latin Song.
24.10.14 Sarris, Peter. Justinian: Emperor, Soldier, Saint.
24.10.13 Counet, Jean-Michel, ed. A Question of Life and Death: Living and Dying in Medieval Philosophy. Acts of the XXIII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.
24.10.12 Cornish, Alison. Believing in Dante: Truth in Fiction.
24.10.11 Meylan, Nicolas. The Pagan Earl: Hákon Sigurðarson and the Medieval Construction of Old Norse Religion.
24.10.10 Goetz, Hans-Werner, and Ian N. Wood, eds. “Otherness” in the Middle Ages.
24.10.09 De Temmerman, Koen, Julie Van Pelt, and Klazina Staat, eds. Constructing Saints in Greek and Latin Hagiography: Heroes and Heroines in Late Antique and Medieval Narrative.
24.10.08 Mazur-Matusevich, Yelena. Le père du siècle: The Early Modern Reception of Jean Gerson (1363-1429), Theological Authority between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era.
24.10.07 Pohl, Walter, Veronika Wieser, and Francesco Borri, eds. Historiography and Identity V: The Emergence of New Peoples and Polities in Europe, 1000-1300.
24.10.06 Price, Basil Arnould, Jane Bonsall, and Meagan Khoury, eds. Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements.
24.10.05 Jones, Peter J. A. Laughter and Power in the Twelfth Century.
24.10.04 Townsend, David. Queering Medieval Latin Rhetoric: Silence, Subversion, and Sexual Heterodoxy.
24.10.03 Völkl, Tobias. Via Duce - Die Eucharistie in der Theologie des Petrus Lombardus.
24.10.02 Bernardi, Gabriella (Spyros Koulouris and Massimo Bernabò as contributors). Bernard Berenson and Byzantine Art: Correspondence, 1920-1957.
24.10.01 Bacci, Michele, and Manuela Studer-Karlen, with Mirko Vagnoni, eds. Meanings and Functions of the Ruler’s Image in the Mediterranean World(11th-15th Centuries).
24.09.10 Nieto-Isabel, Delfi I., and Laura Miquel Milian, eds. Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion, and Persecution in the Middle Ages.
24.09.09 Lifshitz, Felice. Reading Gender: Studies on Medieval Manuscripts and Medievalist Movies.
24.09.07 Denoël, Charlotte, Larisa Dryansky, Isabelle Marchesin, and Erik Verhagen, eds. L’art médiéval est-il contemporain? Is Medieval Art Contemporary? Reinterpreting The Middle Ages: From Medieval to Neo.
24.09.06 Berndt, Rainer, Anette Löffler, and Karin Ganss, eds. Johannis Tolosani, Congregatio Victorina.
24.09.05 Fozi, Shirin. Romanesque Tomb Effigies: Death and Redemption in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200.
24.09.04 Bakhouche, Béatrice, Evelyne Berriot-Salvadore, and Daniel Le Blévec, eds. Gui de Chauliac et sa Grande Chirurgie.
24.09.03 Agresta, Abigail. The Keys to Bread and Wine: Faith, Nature, and Infrastructure in Late Medieval Valencia.
24.09.02 Hinton, David A. Archaeology, Economy, and Society: England from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century.
24.09.01 Wackers, Paul. Introducing the Medieval Fox.
24.08.11 Izbicki, Thomas M. Ministry to the Sick and Dying in the Late Medieval Church.
24.08.10 King, Matt. Dynasties Intertwined: The Zirids of Ifriqiya and the Normans of Sicily.
24.08.09 Su, Minjie. Werewolves in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: Between the Monster and the Man.
24.08.08 Scase, Wendy. Visible English: Graphic Culture, Scribal Practice, and Identity, c. 700-c. 1550.
24.08.07 Brooks, Francesca. Poet of the Medieval Modern: Reading the Early Medieval Library with David Jones.
24.08.06 Seal, Samantha Katz. Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in The Canterbury Tales.
24.08.05 Smirnova, Victoria. Medieval Exempla in Transition: Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogus miraculorum and its Readers.
24.08.04 Turner, Marion. The Wife of Bath: A Biography.
24.08.03 Zimmermann, Michel, ed. Le catalán médiéval.
24.08.02 Linehan, Peter. España Pontificia: Papal Letters to Spain 1198-1303.
24.08.01 Monagle, Clare, and Neslihan Şenocak, eds. Lateran IV: Theology and Care of Souls.
24.06.03 Evans, Claude Lucette, and Kenneth Paul Evans, eds. “Cistercians and Regular Canons in Medieval Western Europe.”
24.06.02 Wiszewski, Przemysław, ed. Legal Norms and Political Action in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present, III.
24.06.01 Franzoni, Silverio, Elisa Lonati, and Adriano Russo, eds. Le sens des textes classiques au Moyen Âge: Transmission, exégèse, réécriture.
24.05.07 Deane, Jennifer Kolpacoff, and Anne E. Lester, eds. Between Orders and Heresy: Rethinking Medieval Religious Movements.
24.05.06 Tyers, Theresa L., and Patricia Skinner, eds. Gender and the 'Natural' Environment in the Middle Ages.
24.05.05 Chatterjee, Paroma. Between the Pagan Past and Christian Present in Byzantine Visual Culture: Statues in Constantinople, 4th-13th Centuries CE.
24.05.04 Wittig, Claudia. Learning to Be Noble in the Middle Ages: Moral Education in North-Western Europe.
24.05.03 Hadbawnik, David, ed. Postmodern Poetry and Queer Medievalisms: Time Mechanics.
24.05.02 Bolle, Pierre. Saint Roch: L’évêque, le chevalier, le pèlerin (VIIe-XVe siècle).
24.05.01 Perry, Philip. Essay on the Life and Manners of Robert Grosseteste, ed. Jack P. Cunningham.
24.04.11 Barton, Thomas W., Marie A. Kelleher, and Antonio M. Zaldívar, eds. Constructing Iberian Identities, 1000-1700.
24.04.10 Kagay, Donald J. Elionor of Sicily, 1325-1375: A Mediterranean Queen of Two Worlds.
24.04.09 Brumberg-Chaumont, Julie, and Dominique Poirel, eds. Adam of Bockenfield and his Circle on Aristotle’s De memoria et reminiscentia.
24.04.08 Sandler, Lucy Freeman. Penned & Painted: The Art and Meaning of Books in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts.
24.04.07 Clunies Ross, Margaret, Kari Ellen Gade †, and Tarrin Wills, eds. Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders.
24.04.06 Zoolshoev, Muzaffar Zoirshoevich. Ancient and Early Medieval Kingdoms of the Pamir Region of Central Asia: Historical Shughnān and Its Lost Capital.
24.04.05 Shachar, Uri Zvi. A Pious Belligerence: Dialogical Warfare and the Rhetoric of Righteousness in the Crusading Near East.
24.04.03 Hoffman, Richard C. The Catch: An Environmental History of Medieval European Fisheries.
24.04.02 Delle Luche, Jean-Dominique. Des amitiés ciblées: Concours de tir et diplomatie urbaine dans le Saint-Empire, XVe-XVIe siècle.
24.04.01 Childs, Wendy, and Phillipp R. Schofield, eds. The Reign of Edward II, 1307-27.
24.03.05 Kreiner, Jamie. The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction.
24.03.04 Smith, Lesley. Fragments of a World: William of Auvergne and His Medieval Life.
24.03.03 Dumasy-Rabineau, Juliette, Camille Serchuk, and Emmanuelle Vagnon, eds. Pour une histoire des cartes locales en Europe au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance/Towards a History of Local Maps in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
24.03.02 Fafinski, Mateusz, and Jakob Riemenschneider, eds. The Past Through Narratology: New Approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
24.03.01 Petrosillo, Sara. Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture.
24.02.08 Birge Vitz, Evelyn. Invitations à la performance de récits français médiévaux: Virtuosité, spectacle, érotisme.
24.02.07 Atherton, Mark, Kazutomo Karasawa, and Francis Leneghan, eds. Ideas of the World in Early Medieval English Literature.
24.02.06 Milner-Gulland, Robin. Andrey Rublev: The Artist and his World.
24.02.05 Nicolini-Zani, Matteo. The Luminous Way to the East: Texts and History of the First Encounter of Christianity with China.
24.02.04 Rippon, Stephen. Territoriality and the Early Medieval Landscape: The Countryside of the East Saxon Kingdom.
24.02.03 Donavin, Georgiana. John Gower’s Rhetoric: Classical Authority, Biblical Ethos, and Renaissance Receptions.
24.02.02 Penn, Michael Philip, Scott Fitzgerald Johnson, Christine Shepardson, and Charles M. Stang, eds. Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology.
24.02.01 Dessì, Rosa Maria, and Didier Méhu, eds. Images, signes et paroles dans l’Occident médiéval.
24.01.16 Small, Graeme, ed. The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458-c. 1550): Text and Paratext, Codex and Context.
24.01.15 O’Mara, Veronica, and Patricia Stoop, eds. Circulating the Word of God in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Catholic Preaching and Preachers across Manuscript and Print (c. 1450 to c. 1550).
24.01.14 Bain, Jennifer, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Hildegard of Bingen.
24.01.13 Balbale, Abigail Krasner. The Wolf King: Ibn Mardanīsh and the Construction of Power in Al-Andalus.
24.01.12 Kramer, Rutger, Emilie Kurdziel, and Graeme Ward, eds. Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780-840): Categorizing the Church.
24.01.11 Rollo-Koster, Joëlle. The Great Western Schism, 1378-1471: Performing Legitimacy, Performing Unity
24.01.10 Weiler, Björn. Paths to Kingship in Medieval Latin Europe, c. 950-1200.
24.01.09 Castrorao Barba, Angelo, Davide Tanasi, and Roberto Miccichè, eds. Archaeology of the Mediterranean during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
24.01.08 Bauduin, Pierre, Simon Lebouteiller, and Luc Bourgeois, eds. Les Transferts Culturels dans les Mondes Normands Médiévaux (VIIIe-XIIe Siècle): Objets, Acteurs et Passeurs.
24.01.07 Elliott, Gillian B. Sculpted Thresholds and the Liturgy of Transformation in Medieval Lombardy.
24.01.06 Booker, Courtney M., Hans Hummer, and Dana M. Polanichka, eds. Visions of Medieval History in North America and Europe: Studies on Cultural Identity and Power.
24.01.05 Hernández Vera, René. Franciscan Books and Their Readers: Friars and Manuscripts in Late Medieval Italy.
24.01.04 Stone, Brian James. The Rhetorical Arts in Late Antique and Early Medieval Ireland.
24.01.03 Dolveck, Franz, and Pascale Bourgain, eds. Pierre Abélard. L’Hymnaire du Paraclet: Introduction, texte latin et notes par Franz Dolveck, préface et traduction par Pascale Bourgain.
24.01.02 Ceen, Allan. Roma Traversata: Tracing Historic Pathways through Rome.
24.01.01 Irujo, Xabier. Charlemagne’s Defeat in the Pyrenees: The Battle of Rencesvals.