The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT) is an international journal dedicated to exploring efforts to enhance student learning in higher education through the use of technology. ISSN 2165-2554.

As of 2019, the journal will publish one special issue per year. The call for proposals will be released through various routes, including as an announcement to our reviewers and authors. 

Call for Abstracts for 2025 Special Issue: Practical uses of Generative AI


The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT) invites proposals for articles about the practical uses of generative AI in enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. Submissions should provide detailed accounts of implemented AI-driven initiatives, highlighting their impact on teaching and learning. We aim to advance our understanding of the effects of teacher or learner use of Generative AI in teaching and learning. Abstracts are due by August 25, 2024.

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology

We are pleased to present JoTLT’s special issue on applying technology to enhance large-enrollment classes. We would like to thank our guest editor, Benjamin Burlingham (Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at IU Bloomington), for his dedication to the publication of this issue and for sharing his knowledge and insights throughout the publication process and in the issue’s introduction. His introduction follows this

We would like thank our authors for sharing their experiences so that we can all learn from each other. And we appreciate our invited reviewers, many of whom also authored articles for the issue, for providing their expertise with the authors and the editorial team. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the cover artwork for this publication was generated with Microsoft's Copilot. The final design involved numerous iterations of prompts and feedback. Additionally, we conducted thorough due diligence to ensure the illustration was not created by a human artist.

Please enjoy this issue and stay tuned for our next special issue on practical uses of generative artificial intelligence coming in December 2025.

Michael Morrone, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Kathy Berlin, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Karissa Rector, Editorial Assistant

Published: 2024-12-19

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