Adding Technology to the Six-Word Memoir to Foster Belonging in Online Classes

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Elizabeth M. Goering


Belonging, or the feeling of being a valued member of a community, has been linked to numerous positive outcomes in higher education. Although creating a sense of belonging at the campus level is important, equally important is fostering belonging in the classroom. Research has shown that belonging is more likely to occur in classes where students connect with one another, feel as if their voices are heard, and engage in repeated positive interactions with their instructor. Meeting these standards can be particularly challenging in online classrooms, but with the strategic use of digital technology, it can be done. In this Quick Hit, I describe how I integrated technology into a classic assignment, the six-word memoir, redesigning and transforming it into a learning activity that can help build a climate of connectedness and belonging in both synchronous and asynchronous online classrooms.


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How to Cite
Goering, E. M. (2023). Adding Technology to the Six-Word Memoir to Foster Belonging in Online Classes. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 12(1).
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