Link to Life and Learning Integrating Quick Assignments to Encourage Belonging

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Jennifer Deranek


At an institution which serves mostly commuting students who are first generation and often balancing life responsibilities, online learning is enticing and presents challenges. Students can struggle with the required skills of self-regulation, effective time-management, communication, and balancing needs. In the spring of 2022, an innovative teaching practice was added to an online first-year seminar course called Link to Life and Learning. Each week, students completed a low-stakes assignment which addressed a variety of factors related to belonging in college including: a reflection about the purpose of a college education, reading to comprehend, health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, procrastination, healthy relationships, involvement on campus, school-ife balance, and individualized meetings with the instructor. These assignments were created in a personalized manner that fit the needs of the students and the campus, while encouraging students to develop a connection to their purpose, passion, and sense of belonging.


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Deranek, J. (2023). Link to Life and Learning: Integrating Quick Assignments to Encourage Belonging. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 12(1).
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