The Biochemistry of Attraction

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Christina M. Robinson


The biochemistry of attraction is complex and multifaceted; it is affected by specific neurological pathways, neurotransmitters, hormones, and fertility levels, as well as influenced by olfaction.  This paper reviews different aspects of attraction, including the neurology and biochemistry driving humans to seek love.  Love is a motivation that helps facilitate mate choice.  Research into love distinctions, dopaminergic award pathways, and neurotransmitters have provided clear evidence that romantic love specifically uses multiple neural systems and is a biological process.  Olfaction is another critical component of human attraction and love.  Differences in scent and the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) strongly influence the mate selection of humans.  Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) links between females and their parents have also been strongly linked to the influences of the MHC.  Additionally, the use of perfumes by humans is also directly linked to amplification of their own MHC-related body odors.  Fertility levels of women also affect mate attraction and scent preferences.  Research on human pheromones has been limited, but a study on secretions from Montgomery’s Glands is a giant first step toward identifying human pheromones and has potential to greatly improve society.


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How to Cite
Robinson, C. (2021). The Biochemistry of Attraction. Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East, 3(1), 126–139. Retrieved from
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Christina M. Robinson, IUE Student

Christina graduated from Indiana University East with a 3.911 GPA in May, 2021 with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor of Neuroscience as well as a minor of Women's and Gender Studies.  She continues her work as a Research Assistant through IUE and is also a Supplemental Instruction Leader.  Christina hopes to continue her education in a graduate school program in the near future!


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