Call for JSRIUE Bloggers:
Looking for a short form writing opportunity? Here it is: JSRIUE-BLOG-Expectations, Information Flyer
At the JSRIUE submssion window/form select the section as: BLOG-Expectations!
All IU East undergraduate and graduate students: consider submitting research, scholarship, & creative activity to JSRIUE for the next issue! Students in capstone courses, the honor's program, graduate work, travel enhanced experiences, and other special projects are encouraged to submit to the online journal.
Student Research Day presenters are also encouraged to submit their projects. This includes IUE-SUMRS Program students who are encouraged to provide an article as part of the award. Articles, presentations, and other formats are encouraged to demonstrate the breadth of student endeavors. The article will use an acceptance process described on the journal's Submission page. Follow the green-SUBMISSION button, top-right of screen, then login or create your account. Questions? Ask Sue McFadden
Looking for a short form writing opportunity? Here it is: JSRIUE-BLOG-Expectations, Information Flyer
At the JSRIUE submssion window/form select the section as: BLOG-Expectations!
Welcome & Read the newest Spring 2024 Issue!
Journal of Student Research at IU East V6.1 Spring 2024 issue
Invitation to be a JSRIUE Reader
follow: JSRIUE on Facebook and Instagram, or on the website!
IU East students enrolled in a fine arts course are invited to submit their artwork for the upcoming publication of Journal of Student Research at IU East!
Be sure to visit the journal site for the Spring Issue, Volume 3.
The issue includes 10 articles on a variety of topics. Congratulate the student-authors!
The Journal of Student Research at IU East is now on social media.