Alexa Loses Her Voice Deconstructing Representations of Race and Gender in Amazon’s Alexa Loses Her Voice

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Madison Schlamb


The purpose of this research is to investigate the Super Bowl LII’s most popular advertisement Alexa Loses Her Voice.  The advertisement shows many white or light-skinned actors voicing Alexa.  This advertisement plays into sexualization in media, beauty ideals, social identities, and it fits and promotes many stereotypes that have been portrayed in the media for years.  In order to explore these issues, the investigator employed rhetorical analysis techniques guided by critical theory lenses including critical race theory and feminism.   Among the author’s findings are evidence of women being sexualized in the advertisement, a false idea of beauty being portrayed, and the presence of common race-related stereotypes.


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How to Cite
Schlamb, M. (2018). Alexa Loses Her Voice: Deconstructing Representations of Race and Gender in Amazon’s Alexa Loses Her Voice. Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East, 1(2). Retrieved from
Social Sciences