Informal Learning The Design and Development of an Exhibition

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Daniel Martin
Brad Hokanson


This paper describes the development and execution of an exhibition in an academic museum setting. The exhibition
is presented as a self-directed learning intervention. The development process included conceptual development, the selection of exhibition materials, the creation of didactic written materials, spatial arrangement of the materials, organizing the flow and interaction of the exhibition, and analysis of the results of the exhibition. We find that interactivity is a viable means to drive interest in the subject(s) of an exhibition and that crowds can make informed decisions about the perception of displayed objects. We propose that interactive didactic exhibitions such as this show potential for successful self-directed learning in a variety of contexts and that further study of the results of such exhibitions are necessary.


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How to Cite
Martin, D., & Hokanson, B. (2022). Informal Learning: The Design and Development of an Exhibition. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 13(2), 100–108.
Author Biographies

Daniel Martin, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Daniel Martin is an Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. His research interests include graphic design, design education, digital humanities, and creativity studies.

Brad Hokanson, University of Minnesota

Brad Hokanson is the Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of Design at the University of Minnesota. His research interests include design education, creativity studies, and visual literacy.