Our banquet of lead essays, robust book review section, research note, and amuse bouche photo-text essay represents the works of folklorists, historians, and anthropologists who take us around the world in their food scholarship and on-the-ground research, collectively invoking foodways from all continents but Antarctica. Through them, you may vicariously experience food sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations from Singapore to Bolivia and Rio de Janeiro, from Mediterranean islands, Madrid, and the Swiss-Italian border area to New York’s Del Monico’s and Kentucky’s new immigrant cuisines—from on the road, in homes and restaurants, among food cults, in prisons and war-time camps, at weddings, and in museums. Besides the Sue Samuelson Prize winning essay for 2017, folklorists in particular have lent their distinctive perspectives to the Book Reviews section—look for their often candid insights and appraisals of popular and scholarly works.

Published: 2022-04-07

A Letter from the Editors, Digest 6:1 (2018)

Janet Gilmore with, Dustin Knepp, Jennifer Dutch
