TMR Announcement: Books Available for Review (July, 2002)
The following books have been received and are available to qualified scholars for review (in most cases a reviewer should have received a doctoral degree or the equivalent). Our general policy is that the review is expected within three months of your receiving the book, and must be submitted either by e-mail or on disk.
If you are interested in reviewing one of these books, please send the following information to us at you wish to reviewfull namee-mail addressaffiliation or degreeinstitution mailing address"key-words" describing your scholarly interestsa few recent publications (if appropriate) Note that if you have sent us key-words and publications within the past year, you do not need to repeat the information.
We request that you not ask to be considered as a reviewer for more than TWO titles. We will respond to you as soon as possible regarding a review.
Please be aware that compiling and sorting through requests may take several weeks; we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you for your support of the The Medieval Review.
Sincerely yours, Robert Berkhofer III, Deborah M. Deliyannis and Rand H. Johnson, editors
Abels, Richard P. and Bernard S. Bachrach. The Normans and Their Adversaries at War: Essays in Memory of C. Warren Hollister. Series: Warfare in History. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Contributors: Richard Abels, Bernard S. Bachrach, Kelly DeVries, John France, C.M. Gillmor, Robert Helmerichs, Niels Lund, Stephen Morillo, Michael Prestwich, Frederick Suppe
Archibald, Elizabeth. Incest and the Medieval Imagination. (Oxford University Press, 2001).
Arnold, John H. Inquisition and Power: Catharism and the Confessing Subject in Medieval Languedoc. The Middle Ages Series. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001).
Axton, Marie, and James Carley, eds. 'Triumphs of English': Henry Parker, Lord Morley, Translator to the Tudor Court: New Essays in Interpretation. (The British Library, 2000).
Contributors: David Starkey, James Carley, Julia Boffey, A.S.G. Edwards, K.R. Bartlett, Richard Rex, Jeremy Maule, David Carlson, James Simpson, Marie Axton, Susanne Woods, Richard Axton.
Backhouse, Janet, ed. The Lindisfarne Gospels: Turning the Pages CD-ROM. (The British Library, 2001).
Baker, Peter, ed. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition Vol. 8, MS F. (Boydell & Brewer, 2000).
Balestracci, Duccio. La Festa in Armi: Giostre Tornei e Giochi del Medioevo. (Gius, Laterza and Figli, 2001).
Barber, Charles, ed. The Theodore Psalter: Electronic Facsimile. (University of Illinois Press, 2001).
Barford, P. M. The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. (Cornell University Press, 2001).
Beckwith, Sarah. Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays. (University of Chicago Press, 2001).
Berndt, Rainer, ed. "Im Angesicht Gottes suche der Mensch sich selbst": Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179). Erudiri Sapientia: Studien zum Mittelalter und zu seiner Rezeptionsgeschichte, Vol. 2. (Akademie Verlag, 2001.
Contributors: Karl Lehmann, Michael Sievernich, Annette Schavan, Franz J. Felten, Gunilla Iversen, Laurence Moulinier, Eberhard J. Nikitsch, Franz Staab, Paul Tombeur, Claire Pluygers, Ursula Vones-Liebenstein, Joop van Banning, Rainer Berndt, Hugh B. Feiss, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Constant J. Mews, Jochen Schroeder, Arni Einarsson, Michael Embach, Markus Enders, Werner Lauter, Laurence Moulinier, Jose Carlos Santos Paz, Elisabeth Stein
Biller, Peter. The Measure of Multitude: Population in Medieval Thought. (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Bisgaard, Lars, Carsten Selch Jensen, Kurt Villads Jensen, and John Lind, eds. Medieval Spirituality in Scandinavia and Europe. (Odense University Press, 2001.
Contributors: Nanna Damsholt, Andre Vauchez, Thomas Hill, Leif Sondergaard, Sverre Bagge, Brian Patrick McGuire, Peter Dinzelbacher, Erich Hoffmann, Udo Arnold, Zenon Nowak, Jerzy Kloczowski, Jens Olesen, Thelma Jexlev, James Hogg, Anne Riising, Thomas Riis, Ann Hutchison, Anders Frojmark, Alf Hardelin, Kaare Rubner Jorgensen, Jorgen Nybo Rasmussen, Erling Ladewig Petersen, Hans Torben Gilkaer.
Blanch, Robert J. The Gawain Poems: A Reference Guide, 1978-1993. (Whitston Publishing, 2000).
Bothwell, James, P.J. Goldberg and W. M. Ormrod, eds . The Problem of Labor in Fourteenth-Century England . (York Medieval Press, 2000).
Contributors: C. Beattie, C. Dyer, R. Emmerson, K. Giles, C. Given-Wilson, S. Knight, D. Pearsall, S. Rees Jones.
Braswell, Mary Flowers. Chaucer's "Legal Fiction": Reading the Records. (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2001).
Bredsdorff, Thomas. Chaos and Love: The Philosophy of the Icelandic Family Sagas. John Tucker, trans. (Museum Tusculanum Press, 2001).
Brooke, Christopher. The Saxon and Norman Kings, 3rd ed. Blackwell Classic Histories of England. (Blackwell Publishers, 2001).
Buc, Philippe. The Dangers of Ritual: Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory. (Princeton University Press, 2001).
Martin Bucer. Defensio adversus Axioma Catholicum, id est criminationem Roberti episcopi Abrincensus. William Ian P. Hazlett, ed. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, Vol. 83: Martini Buceri Opera Omina, Series 2, Opera Latina, Vol. 5. (Brill, 2000).
Burger, Glenn and Steven F. Kruger, ed. Queering the Middle Ages. Medieval Cultures. (University of Minnesota Press, 2001).
Contributors: Kathleen Biddick, Michael Camile, Marilynn Desmond, Garrett P. J. Epp, Gregory S. Hutcheson, Karma Lochrie, Peggy McCracken, Francesca Canade Sautman, Larry Scanlon, Susan Schibanoff, Pamela Sheingorn, Claire Sponsler.
Campbell, Bruce. English Seigniorial Agriculture 1250-1450. Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography. (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Cartlidge, Neil, ed. The Owl and the Nightingale: Text and Translation. Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies. (University of Exeter Press, 2001).
Cheyette, Fredric L. Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours. Conjunctions of Religion and Power in the Medieval Past. (Cornell University Press, 2001).
Curry, Anne. The Battle of Agincourt: Sources & Interpretations. Warefare in History. (Boydell & Brewer, 2000).
Curry, Anne and Elizabeth Matthew, eds. Concepts and Patterns of Service in the Later Middle Ages. The Fifteenth Century, vol. 1. (Boydell Press, 2000).
Contributors: Jeremy Goldberg, Christopher Given-Wilson, Michael Jones, Alexander Grant, Virginia Davis, Jeremy I. Catto, D. A. L. Morgan, Katheleen Daly, Ralph A. Griffiths.
de Hamel, Christopher. The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination: History and Techniques. Series: The British Library Guides. (University of Toronto Press, 2001).
de Lange, Nicholas, ed. Hebrew Scholarship and the Medieval World. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Contributors: Wout van Bekkum, Danial Frank, Albert van der Heide, William Horbury, Masha Itzhaki, Geoffrey Khan, Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, Stefan Reif, Angel Saenz- Badillos, Colette Sirat, Adena Tanenbaum, Michael Weitzman, Joseph Yahalom, Irene Zwiep.
------- Dendle, Peter. Satan Unbound: The Devil in Old English Narrative Literature. (University of Toronto Press, 2001).
Drake, C. S. The Romanesque Fonts of Northern Europe and Scandinavia. (Boydell Press, 2002).
Dyas, Dee. Pilgrimage in Medieval English Literature, 700-1500. (D. S. Brewer, 2001).
Dyer, Christopher. Making a Living in the Middle Ages: The People of Britian, 850-1520. (Yale University Press, 2002).
Eastmond, Antony. Eastern Approaches to Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-third Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry, March 1999. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies. (Ashgate, 2001).
Esders, Stefan and Heike Johanna Mierau. Der althochdeutsche Klerikereid: Bischofliche Diozesangewalt, Kirchliches Benefizialwesen und volkssprachliche Rechtspraxis im fruhmittelalterlichen Baiern. MGH Studien und Texte 28. (Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2000).
Fuhrmann, Joelle. Theorie and Praxis in der Gesetzgeburng des Spatmittelalters in Deutschland am Beispiel der Ingelheimer Schoffenspruche. (Peter Lang, 2001).
Gameson, Richard and Henrietta Leyser, eds. Belief and Culture in the Middle Ages: Studies Presented to Henry Mayr-Harting. (Oxford University Press, 2001).
Contributors: Stuart Airlie, Christopher Brooke, Kathleen G. Cushing, Valerie I. J. Flint, David Ganz, Brian Golding, Lawrence Goldman, Julian Haseldine, Eric John, Martin Kauffmann, Matthew Kempshall, Conrad Leyser, R. A. Markus, J. A. Matthew, R. I. Moore, Janet L. Nelson, Veronica Ortenberg, Stella Panayotova, Alison Peden, Frances Ramsey, Timothy Reuter, Susan J. Ridyard, Anton Scharer, Nicholas Vincent, Patrick Wormald
Gerstel, Sharon E. J. and Julie A. Lauffenburger, eds. A Lost Art Rediscovered: The Architectural Ceramics of Byzantium. (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001).
Contributors: Jeffrey C. Anderson, Anne Bouquillon, Anthony Cutler, Cyril Mango, Marlia Mundell Mango, William Tronzo, Christine Vogt
Greentree, Rosemary. The Middle English Lyric and Short Poem. Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle English Literature, vol vii. (D.S. Brewer, 2001).
Hasty, Will, ed. A Companion to Wolfram's 'Parzival'. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. (Camden House, 1999).
Contributors: Albrecht Classen, Francis G. Gentry, Marion E. Gibbs, Will Hasty, W. H. Jackson, Sidney M. Johnson, Martin Jones, Winder McConnell, Ulrich Mueller, Brian Murdoch, Adrian Stevens, Neil Thomas
Hedeman, Anne. Of Counselors and Kings: The Three Versions of Pierre Salmon's Dialogues. Illinios Medieval Studies. (University of Illinois Press, 2001).
Heidecker, Karl, ed. Charters and the Use of the Written Word in Medieval Society. Utrecht Studies Medieval Literacy. (Brepols. 2000).
Contributors: Mark Mersiowsky, David Postles, Philippe Depreux, Herwig Weigl, Anna Adamska, EEF Dijkhof, Dauvit Broun, Ivan Hlavacek, Georges Declercq, Laurent Morelle, Alexander Hecht, Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Simon Teuscher.
Henrard, Nadine, Paola Moreno and Martine Thiry-Stassin, eds. Convergences medievales: Epopee, lyrique, roman: Melanges offerts a Madeleine Tyssens. Series: Bibliotheque du Moyen Age. (De Boeck Universite, 2001).
Contributors: Pierre Jodogne, Carlos Alvar, Stefano Asperti, Vicenc Beltran, Philip E. Bennett, Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso, Herman Brait, Giovanni Caravaggi, Micheline de Combarieu du Gres, Roberto Crespo, Peter F. Dembowski, Anna Drzewicka, Jean Dufournet, Louis Gemenne, Elisa Goncalves, Bernard Guidot, Edward A. Heinemann, Nadine Henrard, Guenter Holtus, Anja Koerner, Harald Voelker, Jacques Joset, Marc-Rene Jung, Alain Labbe, Jacques Lemaire, Jean-Pierre Martin, Philippe Menard, Maria Luisa Meneghetti, Ulrich Moelk, Paola Moreno, Mario Pagano, Aime Petit, Isabel de Riquer, Luciano Rossi, Claude Roussel, Graham A. Runnalls, Elisabeth Schulze- Busacker, Cesare Segre, Povl Skarup, Lucilla Spetia, Francois Suard, Jean Subrenat, Claude Thiry, Martine Thiry-Stassin, Gema Vallin, Colette Van Coolput-Storms, Wolfgang van Emden, Alberto Varvaro, Theo Venckleer, Philippe Verelst, Martine Willems-Delbouille, Michel Zink
Hilton, Walter. The Scale of Perfection. Thomas H. Bestul, ed. TEAMS: Middle English Texts Series. (Medieval Institute Publications, 2000).
Hollister, C. Warren. Henry I. Yale English Monarchs. (Yale University Press, 2001).
Holsinger, Bruce W. Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture: Hildegard of Bingen to Chaucer. Reading Medieval Culture. (Stanford University Press, 2001).
Nicholas of Cusa. Complete Philospohical and Theological Treatises of Nicholas of Cusa, Vols. 1 and 2. Jasper Hopkins, trans. (Banning Press, 2001).
Horner, Shari. The Discourse of Enclosure: Representing Women in Old English Literature. Suny Series in Medieval Studies. (SUNY Press, 2001).
Huee, Denis, ed. Comme mon coeur desire: Guillaume de Machaut 'Le Livre du Voir Dit'. (Paradigme, 2001).
Contributors: Georg Hanf, B. B. Gybbon-MonnyPenny, Sarah Jane Williams, Kevin Brownlee, Jacqueline Cerquiglini- Toulet, William Calin, Friedrich Wolfzettel, Daniel Poirion, Maureen Boulton, Catherine Attwood, Nicole Elise Lassahn
Innes, Matthew. State and Society in the Early Middle Ages: The Middle Rhine Valley, 400-1000. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought., 47. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Jaritz, Gerhard, ed. Die Strasse: Zur Funktion und Perzeption oeffentlichen Raums im spaeten Mittelalter: Internationales Round Table Gespraech, Krems an der Donau, 2. und 3. Oktober 2000. Forschungen des Instituts fuer Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Fruehen Neuzeit Diskussionen und Materialien, NR. 6. (Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001.
Contributors: Pierre Bogloioni, Monica Boni, Michael Camille, Robert Delort, Claude Gauvard, Barbara Hanawalt, Helmut Hundsbichler, Gerhard Jaritz, Anu Maend, Pierre Monnet, Gherardo Ortalli, Mark Peterson
Joslin, Mary Coker and Carolyn Coker Joslin Watson. The Egerton Genesis. The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture. (University of Toronto Press, 2001).
Joynes, Andrew, ed. Medieval Ghost Stories. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Kabir, Ananya Jahanara. Paradise, Death and Doomsday in Anglo-Saxon Literature. Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, vol. 32. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Karkov, Catherine E. Text and Picture in Anglo-Saxon England: Narrative Strategies in the Junius 11 Manuscript. Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 31. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Kemp, B. R., ed. Twelfth-Century English Archidiaconal and Vice-Archidiaconal Acta. Series: Canterbury and York Society. (Boydell Press, 2001).
King, Edmund. Medieval England. (Tempus Publishing, 2001).
Klassen, John. The Letters of the Rozmberk Sisters: Noblewomen in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia. The Library of Medieval Women. (D. S. Brewer, 2001).
Knapp, Ethan. The Bureaucratic Muse: Thomas Hoccleve and the Literature of Late Medieval England. (Pennsylvania State University, 2001).
Kosto, Adam. Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000-1200. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Lewis, C. P., ed. The Haskins Society Journal 9: 1997 Studies in Medieval History. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Contributors: Susan Reynolds, Steven Fanning, Felice Lifshitz, Robert Helmerichs, Valerie Ramseyer, Bernard S. Bachrach, Carol Neuman de Vegvar, Vicki Ellen Szabo, Mary Frances Smith, Kevin Shirley, Paul Latimer.
Liuzza, R. M., ed. Old English Literature. (Yale University Press, 2002).
Contributors: Earl R. Anderson, Robert E. Bjork, Margret Gunnarsdottir, Sarah Foot, M. R. Godden, Stephanie Hollis, Shari Horner, Nicholas Howe, Susan Kelly, Kevin S. Kiernan, Clare A. Lees, Roy F. Leslie, Sandra McEntire, John D. Niles, Katherine O'Brien O'Keefe, Peter Orton, Gillian R. Overing, Carol Braun Pasternack, Fred C. Robinson, Stephen D. White, Jocelyn Wogan-Browne
Lopez, Robert S. and Irving W. Raymond, trans. Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean World: Illustrative Documents. Records of Western Civilization Series. (Columbia University Press, 2001).
Lydgate, John. The Siege of Thebes. Robert R. Edwards, ed. Teams: Middle English Text Series. (Medieval Institute Publications, 2001).
Mack, Rosamond E. Bazaar to Piazza: Islamic Trade and Italian Art, 1300-1600. (University of California Press, 2002).
McLelland, Nicola. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet: Narrative Style and Entertainment. Authurian Studies xlvi. (D. S. Brewer, 2000).
Meltzer, Francoise. For Fear of the Fire: Joan of Arc and the Limits of Subjectivity. (University of Chicago Press, 2001).
Menocal, Maria Rosa, Raymond Scheindlin and Michael Sells. The Literature of Al-Andalus. The Cambridge History of Aribic Literature. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Contributors: D. F. Ruggles, Dwight Reynolds, Jerrilynn Dodds, Peter Heath, Tova Rosen, Rina Drory, Beatrice Gruendler, Cynthia Robinson, Eric Ormsby, Raymond Scheindlin, Ross Brann, Lourdes Alvarez, Amila Buturovic, Devin Stewart, Lenn Goodman, Alexander Knysh, Gregory Stone, Karla Mallette, William Granara, Thomas Burman, H. D. Miller, Ross Brann, Samuel Armistead, Luce Lopez- Baralt.
Menuge, Noel James. Medieval English Wardship in Romance and Law. (D. S. Brewer, 2001).
Murray, Alan V., ed. Crusade and Conversion on the Baltic Frontier, 1150-1500. (Ashgate, 2001).
Contributors: Axel Ehlers, Mary Fischer, Carsten Selch Jensen, Kurt Vilads Jensen, Tiina Kala, Juhan Kreem, John H. Lind, Thomas Lindvist, Vera I. Matuzova, Rasa Mazeika, Evgeniya L. Nazarova, Torben K. Nielsen, Anti Selart, William Urban
Musson, Anthony. Medieval Law in Context: The Growth of Legal Consciousness from Magna Carta to the Peasants' Revolt. Manchester Medieval Studies. (Manchester University Press, 2001).
Newhauser, Richard. The Early History of Greed: The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Nicholson, Helen. The Knight's Hospitaller. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Northeast, Peter, ed. Wills of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, 1439-1474: Wills from the Register 'Baldwyne', Part I: 1439-1461. Suffok Records Society, vol. xliv. (Boydell Press, 2001).
O'Keeffe, Tadhg. Medieval Ireland: An Archaeology. (Tempus Publishing, 2001).
O'Meara, Carra Ferguson. Monarchy and Consent: The Coronation Book of Charles V of France. British Library, MS Cotton Tiberius B.VIII. Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History, 27. (Harvey Miller Publishers, 2001).
O'Neill, Patrick P., ed. King Alfred's Old English Prose Translation of the First Fifty Psalms. (The Medieval Academy of America, 2001).
Ocana, Antonio Cortijo, Giorgio Perissinotto, and Harvey L. Sharrer. Estudios Galegos Medievais. Studia Hispanica Californiana, vol. 1. (Centro de Estudios Galegos: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2001).
Parisoli, Luca. La Philosophie normative de Jean Duns Scot: Droit et Politique du Droit. Bibliotheca Seraphico - Capuccina, 63. (Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2001).
Pastoureau, Michel. Blue: The History of a Color. (Princeton University Press, 2001).
Peter of Celle. The Letters of Peter of Celle. Julian Haseldine, ed. and trans. Oxford Medieval Texts. (Clarendon Press, 2001).
Porter, Pamela. Medieval Warfare in Mauscripts. (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Raffa, Guy P. Divine Dialectic: Dante's Incarnational Poetry. (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Renevey, Denis and Christiania Whitehead, eds. Writing Religious Women: Female Spiritual and Textual Practices in Late Medieval England. (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Contributors: Karen Boklund-Lagopoulou, Marleen Cre, Samuel Fanous, Naoe Kukita Yoshikawa, Richard Lawes, Anne McGovern-Mouron, Bella Millett, Rebecca Selman
Rhodes, Jim. Poetry Does Theology: Chaucer, Grosseteste, and the PEARL-poet. (University of Notre Dame Press, 2001).
Rider, Jeff. God's Scribe: The Historiographical Art of Galbert of Bruges. (Catholic University of America, 2001).
Rogers, Clifford. War Cruel and Sharp: English Strategy Under Edward III, 1327-1360. (Boydell Press, 2000).
Rosario, Iva. Art and Propaganda: Charles IV of Bohemia 1346-1378. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Rudiger, Jan. Aristokraten und Poeten: Die Grammatik einer Mentalitat im tolosanischen Hochmittelalter. Europa im Mittelalter, Band 4. (Akademie Verlag, 2001).
Sahlin, Claire. Birgitta of Sweden and the Voice of Prophecy. Studies in Medieval Mysticism. (Boydell Press, 2001).
Saul, Nigel, ed. Fourteenth Century England I. (Boydell Press, 2000).
Contributors: J. Hamilton, A. King, R. Haines, A. Musson, G. Betcher, C. Neville, C. Phillpotts, C. Coulson, M. Whiteley, L. Dennison, N. Rogers, D. Biggs.
Schaer, Frank, ed. The Three Kings of Cologne: Edited from London, Lambeth Palace MS 491. Middle English Texts, 31. (Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 2000).
Schmidt, Kari Anne Rand. The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XVII: Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. (D. S. Brewer, 2001).
Shoaf, R. Allen. Chaucer's Body: The Anxiety of Circulation in the Canterbury Tales. (University Press of Florida, 2001).
Smith, D. Vance. The Book of the Incipit: Beginnings in the Fourteenth Century. Medieval Cultures. (University of Minnesota Press, 2001).
Smith, David M. and Vera C. M. London. The Heads of Religious Houses: England and Wales, II. 1216 - 1377. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Stanbury, Sarah, ed. Pearl. TEAMS: Middle English Texts Series. (Medieval Institute Publications, 2001).
Stock, Brian. After Augustine: The Meditative Reader and the Text. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001).
Stubbs, Estelle, ed. The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile. (Scholarly Digital Editions, 2000).
Taylor, Jane H. M. The Poetry of Francois Villon: Text and Context. Cambridge Studies in French. (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Thomson, R. M. with Michael Gullick, eds. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral Library. (D. S. Brewer, 2001).
Vesteinsson, Orri. The Christianization of Iceland: Priests, Power, and Social Change 1000-1300. (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Vincent, Nicholas. The Holy Blood: King Henry III and the Westminster Blood Relic. (Cambridge University Press, 2002).
Wheeler, Bonnie and Fiona Tolhurst, eds. On Arthurian Women: Essays in Memory of Maureen Fries. (Scriptorium Press, 2001).
Contributors: Rebecca S. Beal, Beverly Kennedy, Edward Donald Kennedy, James Noble, Elizabeth S. Sklar, Sue Ellen Holbrook, Anne Berthelot, Michael W. Twomey, Lorraine Kochanske Stock, Dorsey Armstrong, Jo Goyne, Margaret Jewett Burland, Susann T. Samples, Ellen L. Friedrich, Melanie McGarrahan Gibson, Janet Knepper, Maud McInerney, Charlotte A. T. Wulf, Donald L. Hoffman, Kathleen Coyne Kelly, Alan Lupack, Kevin J. Harty, Rachel Bromwich, Norris J. Lacy, Henry Hall Peyton III, Chris Grooms, Sigmund Eisner, Elspeth Kennedy, Fanni Bogdanow, Martin B. Shichtman, Donald Hoffman
Wilson, Anne. Plots and Powers Magical Structures in Medieval Narrative. (University Press of Florida, 2001).
Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn. Saints' Lives and Women's Literary Culture: Virginity and Its Authorizations. (Oxford University Press, 2001).