From rationalization to reflection: One teacher education law class

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Debra Miretzky


This paper describes ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­the struggles of a teacher educator to acknowledge and honor her own liberal bias along with her students’ more conservative perspectives as these emerge in an education law class for preservice teachers. It illustrates the author’s ongoing transition from rationalization to reflection, as she considers both her students’ responses to class assignments on speech and expression rights and end-of-course evaluations, and reflects on the possibility that generational and experiential differences, rather than “resistance,” may be behind students’ reactions. The author concludes that transparency on the part of the teacher educator is critical to allow (re)consideration of our beliefs in more reflective ways.



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How to Cite
Miretzky, D. (2013). From rationalization to reflection: One teacher education law class. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(5), 61–76. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Debra Miretzky, Western Illinois University

Assistant Professor

Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies


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