Lived Experiences of New Faculty: Nine Stages of Development Toward Learner-Centered Practice

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Jill O'Shea Lane


Community college faculty development programs need to be designed to help faculty move beyond content experience and become learner-centered instructors.  The purpose of this qualitative study with a hermeneutic phenomenological approach was to explore the experiences of new faculty participating in a systematic dialogue about learner-centered instruction in a community college setting.  Specifically, this research project was designed to answer the following question:  How do new faculty experience participation in a semester-long faculty development program focused on learner-centered instruction? Interviews with faculty experiencing a learner-centered training program revealed common themes as well as nine stages of faculty development related to moving toward a learner-centered approach to teaching.


Keywords: community college faculty preparation, learner-centered instruction, professional development for faculty, barriers to learner-centered instruction.


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Lane, J. O. (2018). Lived Experiences of New Faculty: Nine Stages of Development Toward Learner-Centered Practice. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(3).
Author Biography

Jill O'Shea Lane, Lewis & Clark Community College

Dr. Jill O'Shea Lane is Dean of Transfer Programs at Lewis & Clark Communtiy College.


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