The Impact of The NTN Design on Academic Outcomes

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Dr. Brooke Culclasure
Dr. Eric Stocks
Dr. Michael Odell


The effect of the New Tech Network (NTN) design on several academic measures was tested on ninth graders in four schools in the Southeastern United States. Results suggest that, when implemented with fidelity to the model, there is a significant effect of the NTN treatment on achievement test scores as students in NTN schools scored higher on both the End of Course (EOC) Math and ELA tests compared to students in control schools. This effect remained after controlling for Poverty, Race, and Preexisting Achievement Level. Students in NTN schools also were slightly more likely to earn dual credit compared to students in the control schools. However, there was no effect of the NTN treatment on dropout rate and students in NTN schools were more likely to be retained in their current grade level compared to students in the control schools.

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Research Articles
Author Biographies

Dr. Brooke Culclasure, The Riley Institute at Furman

Dr. Brooke Culclasure (Ph.D. University of Virginia) served as the study’s principal investigator and oversaw all aspects of the study. Dr. Culclasure is the Research Director of the Riley Institute’s Center for Education Policy and Leadership, housed at Furman University.

Dr. Eric Stocks, University of Texas at Tyler

Dr. Eric Stocks (Ph.D. University of Kansas) served as the study’s co-investigator. Dr. Stocks is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling and Psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler.

Dr. Michael Odell, University of Texas at Tyler

Dr. Michael Odell (Ph.D. Indiana University) served as the study’s co-investigator. Dr. Odell is the Roosth Endowed Chair and Professor of STEM Education in the School of Education at the University of Texas.


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