Dialogue with Students as a Valuable Tool in Teacher Inquiry for Professional Development A narrative of a novice science teacher educator learning about student interaction in biology classrooms

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Hlologelo Climant Khoza


There is a consensus amongst scholars that learning from student feedback depends on how the feedback is sought and used by the individual teachers. Using Hand and Rowe’s (2001) framework of eliciting and using student feedback, the purpose of this self-study was to investigate how I, as a novice teacher educator, can use dialogue with my students to learn about and how to foster student interaction in my biology classroom. I collected data through multiple sources including students’ written feedback, my reflective journal, focus-group interviews with the students, and video-recordings of my teaching. Data was analysed through a narrative approach. Findings indicate that the continuous dialogue with my students helped me learn about student interaction and fostering it in my classroom through a variety of ways. This study also illustrates that the teacher needs to establish trust with students from the onset such that the dialogue cannot only be of professional value to the teacher but also improve the students’ learning. These insights are discussed and recommendations are made in the article.


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Khoza, H. C. (2024). Dialogue with Students as a Valuable Tool in Teacher Inquiry for Professional Development: A narrative of a novice science teacher educator learning about student interaction in biology classrooms. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v24i1.35486


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