Community College Psychology Students’ Cooperative Learning Experiences----A Qualitative Analysis By Year In College

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Christopher Arra


The goal of the study was to assess the effects of year in college on students’ perceptions of the cooperative learning process. Ninety-six college students completed 5 open-ended questions that asked students about their preferences for cooperative learning activities. Forty-nine first-year students and 47 second-year students participated in the study. A qualitative research design was used. Qualitative analyses compared---by year in college---the 5 open-ended questions. The principal investigator qualitatively analyzed the data for themes and subthemes, high frequency responses, and percentage of response. Some tentative qualitative findings were that first- and second-year students preferred the same types of group work and both groups had overlapping ideas on ways to make group work more enjoyable.

Keywords: cooperative learning, college, year in college



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Arra, C. (2024). Community College Psychology Students’ Cooperative Learning Experiences----A Qualitative Analysis By Year In College. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 24(1).



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