Discovery Learning: Development of a Unique Active Learning Environment for Introductory Chemistry

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Laura E Ott
Tara S. Carpenter
Diana S Hamilton
William R. LaCourse


It is well established that active learning results in greater gains in student conceptual knowledge and retention compared to traditional modes of learning.  However, active learning can be very difficult to implement in a large-enrollment course due to various course and institutional barriers.  Herein, we describe the development and implementation of Discovery Learning, a novel active learning discussion/recitation for a large enrollment general chemistry course.  Drawing on the very successful cooperative learning pedagogies Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) and Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies (SCALE_UP), Discovery Learning involves students working in self-managed teams on inquiry problems in a unique learning environment, the Chemistry Discovery Center.  In this case study, we will describe the design and implementation of Discovery Learning and report data on its successes, which include increased student performance and retention.


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How to Cite
Ott, L. E., Carpenter, T. S., Hamilton, D. S., & LaCourse, W. R. (2018). Discovery Learning: Development of a Unique Active Learning Environment for Introductory Chemistry. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(4).
Case Studies


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