The Influence of Dance-House Tourism on the Social Relationships and Traditions of a Village in Transylvania. By Sándor Varga. Translated by Valér Bedő (with Colin Quigley).

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Sándor Varga
Valér Bedő
Colin Quigley


This essay examines the impact of fieldwork on the life of the rural villages in Transylvania that have been the site of significant ethnochoreological and revival-movement research since the 1960s. It challenges well-established norms in methodology, calling for a more reflexive awareness on the part of fieldworkers.

Citation: Varga, Sándor.The Influence of Dance-House Tourism on the Social Relationships and Traditions of a Village in Transylvania. Translated by Valér Bedő, with Colin Quigley. Ethnomusicology Translations, no. 4. Bloomington, IN: Society for Ethnomusicology, 2016.

Originally published in Hungarian as “A táncházas turizmus hatása egy erdélyi falu társadalmi kapcsolataira és hagyományaihoz való viszonyára,” in Az erdélyi magyar táncművészet és tánctudomány az ezredfordulón II, ed. Könczei Csongor (Kolozsvár: Nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2014), 105-128.


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