About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Indiana University Bookman was a successor to The Indiana Quarterly for Bookmen, the last issue of which was Vol. V, No. IV, October, 1949. In addition to articles and papers on books and manuscripts, the publication contains descriptions of important acquisitions to the Indiana University Libraries.
Publication Frequency
The Indiana University Bookman was published irregularly from 1956 through 1988.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
The Indiana University Bookman was published irregularly from 1956 through 1988 by the Indiana University Library for the bookmen of Indiana and friends of the University. Edited by Cecil K. Byrd and William R. Cagle, seventeen issues were published. Some issues focus on a particular topic or subject such as nineteenth-century London materials in the Lilly Library (no. 12), film studies collections in the Lilly Library (no. 15), or illuminated manuscripts in the Lilly Library (no. 17), while other issues do not have a single subject focus.