Pyrrhonian Buddhism as a Unique Synthesis of Indian and Greek Philosophy

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Katarína Rajtíková


Kuzminski’s book Pyrrhonian Buddhism: A Philosophical Reconstruction presents a comparative study of Buddhism and Pyrrhonism. Pyrrhonian Buddhism, Kuzminski’s novelty, designates a synthesis of Greek and Indian influences on Pyrrho’s thought—namely Democritean atomism and Buddhist phenomenalism. It is a philosophical construct that reveals the similarities between the Buddhist and Pyrrhonian models of enlightenment (viz. bodhi and ataraxia). The book examines striking similarities between both Pyrrhonism and Buddhism, suggesting their virtual identity. In Kuzminski’s opinion, it is essentially the Buddhist practice and the description of the Buddhist experience adopted by Pyrrho of Elis that resulted in the original synthesis he calls Pyrrhonian Buddhism. Putting Pyrrhonism in the setting of Buddhism and its practice brings a new understanding of Pyrrhonism as the ancient Greek school influenced
by the east.

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How to Cite
Rajtíková, . K. (2022). Pyrrhonian Buddhism as a Unique Synthesis of Indian and Greek Philosophy. Journal of World Philosophies, 7(1), 174–178. Retrieved from
Book Reviews
Author Biography

Katarína Rajtíková, Comenius University

Katarína Dženisa Rajtíková is a PhD candidate in the History of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Philosophy at Comenius University (Slovakia), where she graduated from Philosophy. Her PhD research is focused on the question of the origin of Pyrrho’s philosophy. She is investigating the possible Indian influences in Pyrrho’s thought, focused on the question of the Buddhist influence. Her particular interests are methodology of the history of philosophy and of comparative philosophy.