Philosophical Journey: Bridging the Gap

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J. L. Shaw


Throughout my philosophical journey, I have tried to bridge the gap between contemporary western philosophy and the analytical traditions of the Indian philosophical systems, especially Navya-Nyāya. Hence my aim has been to promote a dialogue between these two traditions where each can derive insights from the other. I have focused on new or better solutions to some contemporary problems of epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, as well as global issues, and think Indian philosophy can be integrated with current western philosophy, adding a new dimension to global culture and understanding.

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How to Cite
Shaw, J. L. (2019). Philosophical Journey: Bridging the Gap. Journal of World Philosophies, 4(1), 161–172. Retrieved from
Intellectual Journeys
Author Biography

J. L. Shaw

Jaysankar Lal Shaw (*1941), born in Kolkata, educated in India as well as in the United States, received his BA (Hons), 1959, and MA, 1961, from Kolkata University, and his PhD from Rice University (Houston), 1969. He studied German at a branch of Goethe-Institute, Kolkata, 1965-1967. He is the author of 13 books, including The Collected Writings of Jaysankar Lal Shaw: Indian Analytic and Anglophone Philosophy; Knowledge, Belief and Doubt: Some Contemporary Problems and their Solutions from the Nyaya Perspective; Causality and Its Application: Sāmkya, Bauddha and Nyāya; Analytical Philosophy in Comparative Perspective, and some 100 articles. He has also been honored with two Festschrifts: Comparative Philosophy and J.L. Shaw (2015), Springer, and Contemporary Philosophy and J.L. Shaw (2006), Punthi Pustak.