In this latest issue, we include an obituary in remembrance of the late Dr. AbdulHamid Ahmad AbuSulayman, one of IIIT’s founders, who passed surrounded by family and loved ones on August 18, 2021. On the articles included in this issue, we bring together diverse contexts, perspectives, and hopeful endeavors. The first article, authored by Ahmed Abdel-hakim Hachelaf and Steve Parks, centers on Algerian higher education. The authors see the entrance of many nontraditional university students, such as those from rural areas, to universities as a form of immigration. Failure to bridge the divide through mentoring between their rural homes and university settings has resulted in high failure rates within Algerian universities. In response, the authors propose a mentoring program, premised on the concept of Mouakhat, as a means of facilitating support and integration.
Next, in their article Shelley Wong, Thuy Tu, and Ilham Nasser report on international student perspectives concerning “learning by doing” through participation in field trips organized by the Palestinian and Arabic Studies Program at Birzeit University. The experience yielded shifting perspectives in theorizing pedagogical features of transformative learning for future educational exchanges for a more just, peaceful, and inclusive world. In their article, Rebecca Fox, Woomee Kim, and Tareque Mehdi explore how professors experience internationalization, as well as how changing experiences are navigated between the global and the local in the rapidly changing environment of Pakistan. The fourth article, by Maryam S. Sharifian, Lindsay Dornblaser, and Salma Y Vazquez Silva, focuses on a war zone in Syria. In engaging with the perceptions of Syrian teachers, they maintain that teachers play a significant role in creating and providing unique coping measures as they attempt to create a sense of peace in students’ lives.
In addition, we are very pleased to include three book reviews, a practitioner's note, as well as an interview with Malaysian scholar Professor Rosnani Hashim, who provides us with generous insights into her compelling career trajectory and scholarship.
Published: 2021-11-15