The Journal of Folklore Research is an international forum for current theory and research among scholars of traditional culture. Its pages include incisive examinations of vernacular or traditional expressive forms, as well as essays that address the fieldwork experience and the intellectual history of folklore and ethnomusicology studies. ISSN 0737-7037.
The Journal of Folklore Research is inviting submissions that address how folklore and ethnomusicology engage with issues like race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in transnational and local contexts. We especially welcome contributions in areas such as material culture studies, performance studies, narrative, online communities, and belief. JFR will also be encouraging work in existing and emerging areas of intersection with folklore studies and ethnomusicology. Theoretical interventions that connect folklore and ethnomusicology to anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQI+, and decolonial studies are of particular interest for inclusion in the journal’s future offerings. In addition, genres investigated may reflect traditional avenues of study found in folklore and ethnomusicology, as well as important contributions reflected from the perspective of the study of folklore and ethnomusicology within social movements, the visual arts, fiction, the digital humanities, and film. The important work being done by public sector folklorists, which often takes on a virtual life and form, is also very welcome in the journal. As the journal seeks to continue its international focus, we support work that is transnational, yet also reflects approaches that emphasize cultural and geographical specificity.