Hnaring Lutuv Squibs: Situating the Language and the Volume

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Kelly Berkson
Sui Hnem Par


This paper introduces the current volume of short papers (or squibs), which themselves provide basic overviews of several linguistic phenomena in Lutuv. Also known as Lautu, Lutuv is a member of the Maraic sub-group of the South Central branch of Tibeto-Burman. During the 2021-22 academic year, the IU Linguistics field methods class worked with Sui Hnem Par, who is a native speaker of the Hnaring variety of Lutuv and is second author on this introduction. The introduction situates the language, and details our motivation for producing a squib volume. Our hope is that the collected squibs will both establish some basic facts about Lutuv (which is almost entirely unrepresented in the previous linguistic literature, identify issues worthy of future investigation, and lay the groundwork for future work.  


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