Incorporating Educational Games into the K-12 Classroom and Beyond

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Kimberly Haining


Having computers so prevalent in the classroom is the direct result of the boom in technology. This paper will focus on the evolution of curricula through the incorporation of computers, computer games, educational games and non-educational games in grades K-12. Teacher professionalism is touched on as well as test score outcomes after the integration of different educational games. The behavior of at-risk cllildren was, and still is, the motivation for newer instruction techniques. This, in combination with the rapid growth and market for educational games and computers, is the cause in a somewhat hasty curricula change in public schools. Several methods enabling at-risk children to find self-efficacy by means of motivation, cooperation and socialization through educational gaming are similarly examined. More children in first-world economies are increasingly considered at-risk students today than ever before due to the social construct previous generations have bequeathed them. As such, it is imperative that instructors and parents monitor how much computer interaction children have. Computer instruction in the classroom is necessary for the fuhrre due to the rapid evolution of technology, but is too much of a good thing bad? This question and others will be answered in this paper as well as look toward the plausible future of at-home education through Virtual Reality simulations for young adults with Intellectual Disabilities.


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