Polar: The Most Famous Bear of Them All!

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J. Jospeh Edgette


The story of POLAR, the Titanic bear, is one that has resulted from a careful blending of history, folklore, legend, and children's literature with an appropriate sprinkling of oral narrative and verifiable testimony and documentation. It is a tale that evolved from a "real life" event that was later set down in writing by Daisy Spedden, the mother of the child whose experience this account recalls. Had it not been for the accidental discovery of an old trunk in the barn of L. H. Coleman, Esq. by his grandson in August of 1982,1 the life of Polar never would have been told and, subsequently, become known. The purpose of this article is to present the background, evolution, chronology, and afterward of the story of POLAR, the Titanic bear.


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