Dear Subscriber,
You have probably noticed that you have not received many TMR reviews in the past few months. This is not because TMR's publication rate has slowed; indeed, in the past few months we thought we had been publishing a larger-than-ever number of reviews. Thanks to queries from our readers we recently discovered that the reviews that we thought were being sent out to the list were in fact being sent only to our own e-mail address, due to a new procedure.
We have now fixed the problem so that reviews posted will reach you all. However, rather than re-send the approximately 65 reviews that have been published in September and October, we refer you to our website (, where they are archived. Below is a list of all these reviews, as a reference.
We apologize to everyone - reviewers, authors, and readers - for this error, and we are very grateful to the people who pointed it out to us.
Yours very sincerely, The Editors The Medieval Review
02.08.15 Johnson and Claassens, eds., Dutch Romances (Smelik) 02.08.16 Vertecchi, Wiener Neustadt (Knittler) 02.08.17 Biller and Ziegler, eds., Religion and Medicine (Demaitre) 02.08.18 Mathews and Taylor, The Armenian Gospels (Maxwell) 02.09.01 Pastoreau, The Devil's Cloth (Blanc) 02.09.02 Ingham, Sovereign Fantasies (Moll) 02.09.03 Burr, Spiritual Franciscans (Lerner) 02.09.04 Signer/Van Engen, eds., Jews and Christians (Toch) 02.09.05 Sawyer, Viking-Age Rune-Stones (Ross) 02.09.06 Backhouse, Rural Life in the Luttrell Psalter (Wieck) 02.09.07 White, Nature, Sex and Goodness (Carey) 02.09.08 Murray, ed., Love, Marriage and Family (Kelly) 02.09.09 Webb, Pilgrims and Pilgrimage (van Herwaarden) 02.09.10 Hamer and Russell, eds., Gilte Legende (Reames) 02.09.11 Grant, God and Reason (Mews) 02.09.12 Pope, How to Study Chaucer (Evans) 02.09.13 Armstrong and Wood, eds., Christianizing Peoples (Costambeys) 02.09.14 Salih, Versions of Virginity (Newman) 02.09.15 Wiethaus, ed., Agnes Blannbekin (Classen) 02.09.16 Dalrymple, Language & Piety in Middle English Romance (Parry) 02.09.17 Andreini, Reisch/Margarita Philosophica (Loefstedt) 02.09.18 Hellmann, Tironische Noten in Karolingerzeit (Loefstedt) 02.09.19 Tobin, et al., Hartmann von Aue (Carey) 02.09.20 Berend, At the Gate of Christendom (Font) 02.09.21 Hartmann, ed., MGH Concilia IV (Ganz) 02.09.22 Relihan, trans., Boethius, Consolation (Marenbon) 02.09.23 Dyson, Pilgrim City (Vessey) 02.09.24 Krueger, ed., Medieval Romance (Ingham) 02.09.25 Bothwell, ed., Age of Edward III (Valente) 02.09.26 Tracy, ed., City Walls (Symes) 02.09.27 Bryant, trans., Merlin and the Grail (Taufer) 02.09.28 Harvey, ed., Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (Thomas) 02.09.29 Doss-Quinby, et al., eds., Songs of the Women Trouveres (Symes) 02.09.30 Cassidy-Welch, Monastic Spaces (Berman) 02.09.31 Levy, trans., Wyclif on Scripture (Knapp) 02.09.32 Hatcher and Bailey, Modelling the Middle Ages (Routt) 02.09.33 Pulsiano, Old English Glossed Psalters (Rusche) 02.09.34 Backhouse, Birds in the Sherborne Missal (van den Abeele) 02.09.35 Lee, Science, the Singular, & the Question of Theology (Courtenay) 02.09.36 Berndt, ed., Hildegard von Bingen (Classen) 02.09.37 Hopkins, ed., Complete Treatises of Nicholas of Cusa (Izbicki) 02.09.38 Burnley, Old English CD-ROM (Swain/Szarmach) 02.09.39 Lodge and Varty, eds., Earliest Branches - Roman de Renart (Pfeffer) 02.09.40 Lavan, ed., Recent Research in Late Antique Urbanism (Trout) 02.09.41 Brown, Unjust Seizure (Hyams) 02.09.42 Ellis, ed., Hoccleve's My Compleinte (Calabrese) 02.09.44 Green, Anglo-Saxon Audiences (Morgan) 02.10.01 Pollard, Wars of the Roses (Hicks) 02.10.02 Lees and Overing, Double Agents (Hollis) 02.10.03 Drake, Essays on Galileo (Weismann) 02.10.04 Hasenfratz, ed., Ancrene Wisse (Morey) 02.10.05 Croke, Count Marcellinus (Kouroumali) 02.10.06 De Lange, ed., Hebrew Scholarship & the Medieval World (Robinson) 02.10.07 Northeast, ed., Sudbury Wills (Rosenthal) 02.10.08 Stewart, Armenian Kingdom and the Mamluks (Yildiz) 02.10.09 Sheeran, Medieval Yorkshire Towns (Rees Jones) 02.10.10 Edgington/Lambert, eds., Gendering the Crusades (Bird) 02.10.11 Al-Azmeh, Muslim Kingship (Jones) 02.10.12 Hahn, Portrayed on the Heart (Kupfer) 02.10.13 Haseldine, ed. and trans., Letters of Peter of Celle (Mews) 02.10.14 Daston/Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature (Demaitre) 02.10.15 Marenbon/Orlandi, eds. and transs., Abelard: Collationes (Mews) 02.10.16 Hue, Comme mon coeur desire (Kay) 02.10.17 Musson, Medieval Law in Context (Parisoli) 02.10.18 Stratmann, ed., Flodoard's Geschichte der Reimser Kirche (Demouy) 02.10.19 Aurell, ed., Actes de la famille Porcelet (Baldwin)