TMR Announcement: Books Available for Review (December, 2000)
The following books have been received and are available to qualified scholars for review (in most cases a reviewer should have received a doctoral degree or the equivalent). Our general policy is that the review is expected within three months of your receiving the book, and must be submitted either by e-mail or on disk.
If you are interested in reviewing one of these books, please send the following information to us at book you wish to review full name e-mail address affiliation or degree institution mailing address "key-words" describing your scholarly interests a few recent publications (if appropriate) Note that if you have sent us key-words and publications within the past year, you do not need to repeat the information.
We request that you not ask to be considered as a reviewer for more than TWO titles. We will respond to you as soon as possible regarding a review. Please be aware that compiling and sorting through requests may take several weeks (books will not be mailed out until January); we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you for your support of the The Medieval Review.
Sincerely yours, Deborah M. Deliyannis and Rand H. Johnson, editors
Armstrong, Adrian. Technique and Technology: Script, Print and Poetics in France, 1470-1550. Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs (Clarendon Press, 2000).
Ashley, Kathleen and Sheingorn, Pamela. Writing Faith: Text, Sign and History in the Miracles of Sainte Foy (University of Chicago Press, 1999).
Bartlett, Robert. England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings. The New Oxford History of England, Vol. 107 (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Boenig, Robert and Kathleen Davis, eds. Manuscript, Narrative, Lexicon: Essays on Literary and Cultural Transmission In Honor of Whitney Bolton (Bucknell University Press, 2000).
Buell, Paul and Eugene Anderson. A Soup for the Qan: Chinese Dietary Medicine of the Mongol Era (Kegan Paul International, 2000).
Chrimes, S.B. Henry VII. English Monarchs Series (Yale University Press, 1999).
Claassens, Geert and David Johnson. King Arthur in the Medieval Low Countries (Leuven University Press, 2000).
Crouch, David. Piety, Fraternity, and Power: Religious Guilds in Late Medieval Yorkshire, 1389-1547 (York Medieval Press, 2000).
Cullen, Dolores. Chaucer's Pilgrims: The Allegory (Fithian Press, 2000).
Denton, Jeffrey, ed. Orders and Hierarchies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Dockray-Miller, Mary. Motherhood and Mothering in Anglo-Saxon England. The New Middle Ages Series (St. MartinUs Press, 2000).
Evans, G. R. Bernard of Clairvaux. Great Medieval Thinkers Series (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Foot, Mirjam. A History of Bookbinding as a Mirror of Society: 1997 Panizzi Lectures (University of Toronto Press, 1999).
Frenz, Thomas and Peter Herde. Das Brief- und Memorialbuch des Albert Behaim. Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Briefe Des Spaeteren Mittelalters, I (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 2000).
Gameson, Richard, The Manuscripts of Early Norman England (c. 1066-1130) (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Gardiner, Eileen. The Holy Land on Disk [CD-ROM] (Italica Press, 1999).
Ghezzo, Michele Pietro, John Melville-Jones, Andrea Rizzi, eds. Archivio del Litorale Adriatico, III. Vol I: to the Death of Andrea Dandolo (1354). The Morosini Codex (Unipress, 1999).
Gibaut, John St. H. The Cursus Honorum: A Study of Origins and Evolution of Sequencial Ordination. Patristic Studies, Vol. 3. (Peter Lang, 2000).
Green, D. H. Language and History in the Early Germanic World (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
Harvey, Margaret. The English in Rome, 1362-1420: Portrait of an Expatriate Community (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Hawkins, Peter. Dante's Testaments: Essay's in Scriptural Imagination. Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture. (Stanford University Press, 1999).
Hopkins, Jasper and Herbert Richardson, transs. The Complete Philosophical and Theological Treatises of Anselm of Canterbury (The Arthur J. Banning Press, 2000).
Idel, Moshe. Messianic Mystics (Yale University Press, 1998).
Jager, Eric. The Book of the Heart (University of Chicago Press, 2000).
Jaspert, Nikolas. Stift und Stadt: Das Heiliggrabpriorat von Santa Anna und das Rgularkanonikerstift Santa Eulalia del Camp im mitterlalterlichen Barcelona (1145-1423). Berliner Historische Studien, Band 24 (Duncker and Humblot, 2000).
Johnson, David F. and Geert Claassens. Dutch Romances, Volume I: Roman Van Walewein. Arthurian Archives, VI (D. S. Brewer, 2000).
Jones, Michael. The New Cambridge Medieval History VI: c.1300-c.1415. (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Kemp, B. R. English Episcopal Acta 18: Salisbury, 1078-1217. English Episcopal Acta (Oxford University Press, 2000).
King, Pamela M. and Clifford Davidson, eds. The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays. Early Drama, Art, and Music Monograph Series, 27 (Medieval Institute Publications, 2000).
Lees, Clare. Tradition and Belief: Religious Writing in Late Anglo-Saxon England. Medieval Cultures Vol. 19 (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).
Lopez, Gisela Ripoll. Toreutica de la Betica (Siglos VI y VII D.C.) (Reial Academia de Bones Lletres, 1998).
Lowden, John. The Making of the Bibles Moralisees, 2 vols., Vol. 1 The Manuscripts, and Vol. 2 The Book of Ruth (Penn State University Press, 2000).
Maier, Christoph. Crusade Propaganda and Ideology: Model Sermons for the Preaching of the Cross (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Martinez, H. Salvador, ed. Rimado de Palacio: Pero Lopez de Ayala. Iberica, Vol. 35. (Peter Lang, 2000).
McAleer, J. Philip. Rochester Cathedral, 604-1540: An Architectural History (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Meirinhos, Jose Francisco and Aires Augusto Nascimento, eds. Catalogo dos codices da Livraria de Mao do Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbrana Biblioteca Publica Municpal do Porto (Biblioteca Publica Municiapl do Porto, 1997).
Mooney, Catherine, ed. Gendered Voices: Medieval Saints and Their Interpreters (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).
Nash, Susie. Between France and Flanders: Manuscript Illumination in Amiens in the Fifteenth Century (University of Toronto Press, 1999).
Paravicini-Bagliani, Agostino. The Pope's Body. Translated by David Peterson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Peck, Russell, ed. John Gower: Confessio Amantis, Volume 1. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series (Medieval Institute Publications, 2000).
Peikola, Matti. Congregation of the Elect: Patterns of Self-Fashioning in English Lollard Writings. Anglicana Turkuensia No. 21 (University of Turku, 2000).
Powers, James. The Code of Cuenca: Municipal Law on the Twelfth-Century Castilian Frontier. Middle Ages Series (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000).
Raybin, David and Linda Tarte Holley, eds. Closure in the Canterbury Tales: The Role of the Parson's Tale. Studies in Medieval Culture XLI (Medieval Institute Publications, 2000).
Richards, Earl Jeffrey, ed. Christine de Pizan and Medieval French Lyric (University of Florida Press, 1998).
Rigo, Antonio. 'La 'Cronaca Delle Meteor'': Lstoria dei monasteri della Tessaglia tra XIII e XVI secolo. Orientalia Venentiana, VIII (Leo Olschki, 1999).
Robin, Diana, trans. and ed. Cassandra Fedele: Letters and Orations (University of Chicago Press, 2000).
Robinson, I. S. Henry IV of Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Rollason, David, ed. and trans. Symeon of Durham: Libellus de Exordio atque Procursu istius hoc est Dunhelmensis Ecclesie. Oxford Medieval Texts (Oxford Unversity Press, 2000).
Rouhi, Leyla. Mediation and Love: A Study of the Medieval Go-Between in key Romance and Near-Eastern Texts (Brill, 1999).
Rubin, Miri. Gentile Tales: The Narrative Assault on Late Medieval Jews (Yale University Press, 1999).
Russell, Peter, Prince Henry 'the Navigator': A Life (Yale University Press, 2000).
Santina, Mary Arlene. The Tournament and Literature: Literary representations of the Medieval Tournament in Old French Works, 1150-1226. Studies in the Humanities, Vol 49. (Peter Lang, 2000).
Schwerner, Armand, trans. Cantos from Dante's Inferno (Talisman House, 2000).
Sutton, Marilyn. Chaucer's Pardoner's Prologue and Tale: An Annotated Bibliography, 1900 to 1995. The Chaucer Bibliographies (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Stoyanov, Yuri. The Other God: Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy. (Yale University Press, 2000).
Sullivan, Karen. The Interrogation of Joan of Arc. Medieval Cultures Vol. 20 (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).
Terry, Patricia and Nancy Vine Durling. The Finding of the Grail: Retold from Old French Sources (University Press of Florida, 2000).
Warren, Michelle. History on the Edge, Excalibur and the Borders of Britain, 1100-1300. Medieval Cultures, Vol 22 (University of Minnesota Press, 2000).
Weinberger, Leon, ed. Jewish Poet in Muslim Egypt: Moses Dari's Hebrew Collection. Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval. (Brill, 2000).
Weinfurter, Stefan. The Salian Century: Main Currents in an Age of Transition. The Middle Ages Series (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000).
White, Graeme. Restoration and Reform, 1153-1165: Recovery from Civil War in England. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 43 (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Williams, Ann. Kingship and Government in Pre-Conquest England, c.500-1066. British History in Perspective (St. MartinUs Press, 2000).
Winstead, Katherine, ed. and trans. Chaste Passions: Medieval English Virgin Martyr Legends (Cornell University Press, 2000).
Wolfthal, Diane, ed. Peace and Negotiation: Strategies for Coexistence in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 4 (Brepols, 2000).