Notice of Books Available for Review, September 1998
Allmand, Christopher, ed. The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 7: c.1415 - c.1500 (Cambridge, 1998).
Bedouelle, Guy, ed. Erasmus, Desiderius; Controversies (Toronto, 1998).
Bellamy, J. G. The English Criminal Trial, c. 1300-1600 (Toronto, 1998).
Bergeron, Katherine. Decadent Enchanments: The Revival of Gregorian Chant at Solesmes (California, 1998).
Bisson, Lillian. Chaucer and the Late Medieval World (St. Martin's, 1998).
Budny, Mildred. Insular, Anglo-Saxon and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art at Corpus Christi College: An Illustrated Catalogue, 2 vols (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1997).
Cullen, Dolores. Chaucer's Host: Up-So-Doun (Fithian 1998).
Delany, Sheila. Impolitic Bodies: Poetry, Saints, and Society in Fifteenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998).
De Weever, Jacqueline. Sheba's Daughters: Whitening and Demonizing the Saracen Woman in Medieval French Epic (Garland, 1998).
Doignon, Jean, ed. Hilarii Pictaviensis: Tractatus Super Psalmos (Brepols, 1998).
Duby, Georges (Jean Birrell, trans). Women of the Twelfth Century, Vol. 3: Eve and The Church (Chicago, 1998).
Epstein, Marc. Dreams of Subversion in Medieval Jewish Art and Literature (Penn State, 1997).
Fjalldal, Magnus. The Long Arm of Coincidence: The Frustrated Connection between Beowulf and Grettis saga (Toronto, 1998).
France, James. The Cistercians in Medieval Art (Cistercian Publications, 1998).
Frese, Warwick and O'Brien O'Keeffe, eds. The Book and the Body (Notre Dame, 1997).
Friedman and Wegmann, eds. Medieval Iconography: A Research Guide (Garland, 1998).
Geary, Patrick, ed. Readings in Medieval History, 2d Edition (Broadview, 1998).
Goerlach, Manfred. Studies in Middle English Saints' Legends. (Carl Winter, 1998).
Golb, Norman. The Jews in Medieval Normandy: A Social and Intellectual History (Cambridge, 1998).
Gottfried von Strassburg (Mark Chinca, Ed.). Tristan (Cambridge, 1997).
Grenville, Jane. Medieval Housing (Leicester, 1997).
Grossinger, Christa. Picturing Women in Medieval and Renaissance Art (Manchester, 1997).
Haas, Louis. The Renaissance Man And His Children (St. Martin's, 1998).
Heath and Baker-Smith, eds. Erasmus, Desiderius; Expositions of the Psalms (Toronto, 1998).
Keiper, Bode and Utz, eds. Nominalism and Literary Discourse (Rodopi, 1997).
Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer's Manual (Penn State, 1998).
Laurioux, Bruno, ed. Les Livres de Cuisine Medievaux (Brepols, 1998).
Lofts and Rosemann, eds. Editer, Traduire, Interpreter: Essais de Methodologie Philosophique (Editions Peters, 1997).
McCarren and Moffat, eds. Guide to Editing Middle English (Michigan, 1998).
McEntire, Sandra, ed. Julian of Norwich: A Book of Essays (Garland, 1998).
McInerney, Maud ed. Hildegard of Bingen: A Book of Essays (Garland, 1998).
McQuillen, Connie, ed./trans. A Comedy Called 'Susenbrotus' (Michigan, 1998).
Marmura, Michael, ed. Al-Ghazali: The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Brigham Young, 1997).
Montgomery, Thomas. Medieval Spanish Epic: Mythic Roots and Ritual Language (Penn State, 1998).
Murray McGillivray, ed. Geoffrey Chaucer: Book of the Duchess (Calgary, 1998).
Nagy, Joseph Falaky. Conversing with Angels & Ancients: Literary Myths of Medieval Ireland (Cornell, 1997).
Netanyahu, Benjamin. Toward the Inquisition: Essays on Jewish and Converso History in Late Medieval Spain (Cornell, 1997).
Nicholas, David. The Growth of the Medieval City (Longman, 1997).
Pike, David L. Passage Through Hell: Modernist Descents, Medieval Underworlds (Cornell, 1997).
Pironet, Fabienne. The Tradition of Medieval Logic and Speculative Grammar: A Bibliography, 1977-1994 (Brepols, 1998).
Polliack, Meira. The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation (Brill, 1997).
Redon, Sabban, Serventi, eds. The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy (Chicago, 1998).
Roberts, Anna, ed. Violence against Women in Medieval Texts (Florida, 1998).
Rubinstein, Nicolai. The Government of Florence Under the Medici (Clarendon 1997).
Santamaria, J.A. Fernandez. The Theater of Man: J.L. Vives on Society (American Philosophical Society, 1998).
Sautman, Canade, Conchado, and Di Scipio, eds. Telling Tales: Medieval Narratives and the Folk Tradition (St. Martin's, 1998).
Shinners, John, ed. Medieval Popular Religion, 1000-1500: A Reader (Broadview, 1998).
Shoaf, R. Allen, ed. Thomas Usk, The Testament of Love (Medieval Institute Publications, 1998).
Somerville and Brasington, transs. Prefaces to Canon Law Books in Latin Christianity: 500-1245 (Yale, 1998).
Szarmach and Rosenthal, eds. The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture. (Medieval Institute Publications, 1997).
Thomson, John. The Western Church in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1998).
Treadgold, Warren. A History of the Byzantine State and Society (Stanford, 1997).
Van Caenegem, R.C. Introduction aux Sources de l'Histoire Medievale (Brepols, 1998).
Walker, Ian. Harold, The Last Anglo-Swxon King. (Sutton Publishing, 1997).
Walker, Rose. Views of Transition: Liturgy and Illumination in Medieval Spain. (The British Library and Toronto, 1998).
Ward, Benedicta. The Venerable Bede (Cistercian Publications, 1998).
Watt, Diane, ed. Medieval Women in Their Communities (Toronto, 1997).
William of Ockham. Quodlibetal Questions, Vols. 1 and 2, Quodlibets 1 through 7 (Yale, 1998).
Wollock, Jeffrey. The Noblest Animate Motion: Speech, Physiology and Medicine in pre-Cartesian Linguistic Thought (John Benjamins, 1997).