BMMR 97.5.3. The Medieval Review Announcement
Dear Subscriber,
We are very pleased to announce some changes to the Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, related to the move of journal operations to the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University.
The first, and most obvious, is that the name of the journal has changed to The Medieval Review (TMR). As part of this change, our e-mail address has also changed to
Coinciding with the name change, we are pleased to launch our website, which can be found at
The website will replace the gopher archive as the repository of all posted reviews. The search engine is more powerful, enabling searches of multiple fields and/or terms. The display is also much more sophisticated, allowing the representation of foreign language characters and graphic images. Because of the fact that reviews are first posted as e-mail, these will be somewhat minimal. However we anticipate that the reviews on the website may sometimes be more graphically advanced than the e-mail versions. Subscribers who do not have the means to view graphical materials should not be discouraged, as they will be able to read the full text of all reviews at the same address using a text browser such as "lynx."
The point of the website is to make TMR's reviews more accessible and useful to our readers. The site is still somewhat in developement and we invite your corrections, comments, and queries. The site has been set up and will be maintained by the Humanities Text Initiative at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. We are very grateful to John Price Wilkins, Chris Powell, and Nigel Kerr for making it possible. We are also indebted to Joshua Westgard and Jared Sheffield, who tagged many of the reviews in SGML for use in the web archive.
For our readers whose subscriptions include the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, the BMCR website is under development, and will appear soon. Until then, BMCR's gophersite at the University of Virginia will remain the archive location.
Finally, the operation of the list itself has been moved to a computer at Western Michigan University. As a subscriber to BMMR, you have been automatically subscribed to TMR. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please follow the directions given at the end of this message.
The purpose of TMR is to provide a service to the international community of medievalists and other interested readers. As always, we appreciate your comments.
Deborah M. Deliyannis and Rand Johnson, editors
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