Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 15:28:29 -0600
From: Paul Chandler (pchandl@PED.KUN.NL)
Subject: New journal: Studies in Spirituality
Our institute's new journal Studies in Spirituality, now coming up to the third issue, has contained a large proportion of articles related to the Middle Ages.
Further information can be obtained through me or by s-mail to Ineke Wackers, Secretary SIS, at the address below. The aim of the journal is to publish scientific and specialist articles on spirituality and mysticism from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Study in spirituality in retrospect Otger Steggink Spirituality as transformation demands a structural dynamic approach Kees Waaijman Bonaventure lecteur de Denys dans l'Itinerarium mentis in Deum Charles Andre Bernard La antropologia mistica del Doctor Angelico Alvaro Huerga Decouverte de soi-meme ou quete de Dieu: Maitre Eckhart Hein Blommestijn Theophane le Reclus Tomas Spidlik Ibn Arabi et Jean de la Croix Henri Teissier Jean de la Croix et l'Islam Henri Sanson Paul Celan: Mit Stimme un Stummheit zu Dir Elisabeth Hense Imago Dei dans la Bible Kees Waaijman Mary as prophet Christopher O'Donnell The Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius Loyola and psychology Franco Imoda Integration and interiorization D.S. Amalorpavadass
Mysticism from the perspective of the Jewish-Christian tradition Kees Waaijman La Biblia y la liturgia, fuentes de espiritualidad cristiana Cassiano Floristan The cross, where according to Jacopone da Todi, God and humanity are defined Alvaro Cacciotti Initiation into love: the mystical process according to John Ruusbroec (1293-1381) Hein Blommestijn Un theoricien de l'experience: Denys le Chartreux Ch.A. Bernard Espiritualidad et descubrimiento de America Melquiades Andres Martin Vom Trost der Tranen: Ignatius von Loyola und die Gaben der Tranen Michael Plattig Jeronimo Gracian und die `perfectistas': Eine spanische Auseinandersetzung mit der Mystik des Nordens Otger Steggink Patterns of conversion in Christianity Anya Mali Chaos lives next to God: Religious visions and the integration of personality Antoon Geels Esoterik und Christentum Harald Walach, Max-Josef Schuster Die neue Ruusbroec-Edition Guido de Baere
STUDIES IN SPIRITUALITY 3 (1993) (forthcoming)
Towards a phenomenological definition of spirituality Kees Waaijman In quest of an historical definition of mysticism Joseph Dan The minor female mystics in late medieval Germany Peter Dinzelbacher On the meaning of peace in the 13th and 15th admonitions of Francis of Assisi T. Zweerman Ruusbroec's opinion on Marguerite Porete's orthodoxy P. Verdeyen L'ideal du juste dans Le Commentaire aux Psalmes de Pico della Mirandola A Raspanti `Yo-Tu' en Teresa de Avila J. Morilla Delgado Discovering the self and the world through the eyes of God: The Spiritual canticle Hein Blommestijn Negative Theologie und erotischer Excess bei Juan de la Cruz und Jose Lazama Lima B. Teuber L'amour chez Therese de Lisieux H. Dalbet Thomas Merton and contemplation C. Stenqvist en und der Westen A.M. Haas
Paul Chandler
Titus Brandsma Instituut
Erasmusplein 1
6525 HT Nijmegen
Tel: +31-80-61.2162
Fax: +31-80-60.3439