Readers of BMCR will recognize the category of "ALSO SEEN" that we have used for short notices of books to which we cannot give a full review. There are many reasons for this inability: lack of a review copy, lack of a qualified reviewer, conflict of interest where the editor(s) have been closely involved in a publishing project, etc. We think it is a useful category nonetheless for calling attention at least to the existence of work of apparent interest, of giving basic bibliographical information, and of providing at least a sketchy sense of what sort of work it is. Contributions in this vein are always welcome, and we particularly value contributions calling attention to work published abroad, which is the hardest segment of our coverage to develop from scratch in a new review journal. At any rate, in an end-of-summer archaeological exercise designed to confirm that there is a layer of wood on this desk beneath all the paper, three interesting titles merit mention.