25.02.03 Nees, Lawrence. Frankish Manuscripts: The Seventh to the Tenth Century.
25.02.02 Laurioux, Bruno, and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, eds. The Recipe from the XIIth to the XVIIth Centuries: Europe, Islam, Far East.
25.02.01 Bizzarri, Hugo Oscar. El “exemplum” antiguo: modelos de conducta y formas de sabiduría en la España medieval.
25.01.20 Amiroutzes, George, and Monfasani, John, ed. & trans. The Philosopher, or On Faith.
25.01.19 Strenga, Gustavs. Remembering the Dead: Collective Memory and Commemoration in Late Medieval Livonia.
25.01.18 De Luca, Elsa, Ivan Moody, and Jean-François Goudesenne, eds. The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the West: Scriptor, Cantor & Notator (Volume 1).
25.01.17 Albani, Jenny, and Ioanna Christoforaki, eds. Πάντα ῥεῖ: Change in Thirteenth-Century Byzantine Architecture, Art, and Material Culture.
25.01.16 Raffensperger, Christian, ed. How Medieval Europe was Ruled.
25.01.15 Byrne, Philippa, and Caitlin Ellis, eds. Maritime Exchange and the Making of Norman Worlds.
25.01.14 Niskanen, Samu, ed. The Art of Publication from the Ninth to the Sixteenth Century.
25.01.13 Manning, Scott. Joan of Arc: A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works.
25.01.12 MacGugan, Joanna. Social Memory, Reputation and the Politics of Death in the Medieval Irish Lordship.
25.01.11 Srodecki, Paul, and Norbert Kersken, eds. The Defence of the Faith: Crusading on the Frontiers of Christendom in the Late Middle Ages.
25.01.10 Thomson, S. C., ed. Strangers at the Gate! Multidisciplinary Explorations of Communities, Borders, and Othering in Medieval Western Europe.
25.01.09 Andrieu, Éléonore, Pierre Chastang, Fabrice Delivré, Joseph Morsel, and Valérie Theis, eds. Le pouvoir des listes au Moyen Âge – III. Listes, temps, espace.
25.01.08 Arblaster, John, Patricia Stoop, Daniël Ermens, Veerle Fraeters, and Kees Schepers, eds. Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries: Essays by Thom Mertens, with a tribute by John van Engen.
25.01.07 Runstedler, Curtis. Alchemy and Exemplary Poetry in Middle English Literature.
25.01.06 Fuentes, Marcelo E. Contradictory Muslims in the Literature of Medieval Iberian Christians.
25.01.05 West, Charles. The Fall of a Carolingian Kingdom: Lotharingia 855-869.
25.01.04 Seiler, Annina, Chiara Benati, and Sara M. Pons-Sanz, eds. Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation.
25.01.03 Boillet, Élise, and Ian Johnson, eds. Religious Transformations in New Communities of Interpretation in Europe (1350-1570): Bridging the Historiographical Divides.
25.01.02 Barański, Zygmunt, and Heather Webb, eds. Dante’s “Vita Nova”: A Collaborative Reading.
25.01.01 Collins, Kristen, and Bryan C. Keene, eds. Balthazar: A Black African King in Medieval and Renaissance Art.