This page will cry here for centuries… Słowacki, Yeats and the (Im)Materiality of the Text

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Mateusz Antoniuk


This essay concerns the famous Polish Romantic poem written by Juliusz Słowacki. The close reading of the text leads me toward the genetics analysis of it’s first draft (which appears to be at once “lost” and “regained”) as well as evokes the meditation about the Słowacki’s philosophy of textual representation (which appears to be deeply ambiguous). My article is inspired by George Bornstein conception of textual materiality and by genetic criticism methodology. I also demonstrate the parallel between poem of Słowacki and lyric When You Are Old, written by W.B. Yeats.      


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Author Biography

Mateusz Antoniuk, Jagiellonian University

Faculty of Polish Studies, PhD, assistant


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