Digital Method for Verifying Archaeological Hypotheses. Medieval Gord Under Pułtusk Castle

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Slawomir Kowal
Krzysztof Koszewski
Jan Słyk
Stefan Wrona


This paper describes the process of collaboration between architects and archaeologists started in 2012 on the virtual reconstruction of the medieval proto-urban site in Pultusk, Poland. The result was digital reconstruction of urban structure based on parametric methods supported by 3D printing. The paper summarizes the process consisting of organizing analog data, digitizing it, enriching with experts’ knowledge and creating procedural model of the settlement. The whole process ended with not only digital and physical, 3D printed model, but also a set of conclusions confirming usefulness of such methods in scientific research concerning interpretation of archaeological relicts in situation, when not all information is available and clear. Both archaeological practice and the process of architectural reconstruction confirm that reliability of scientific research and the regime of logical reasoning are independent from used technology, however they may be effectively supported by new methods and tools.


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How to Cite
Kowal, S., Koszewski, K., Słyk, J., & Wrona, S. (2017). Digital Method for Verifying Archaeological Hypotheses. Medieval Gord Under Pułtusk Castle. Studies in Digital Heritage, 1(2), 444–455.
Special Issue "Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2016"
Author Biographies

Slawomir Kowal, Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, senior lecturer

Krzysztof Koszewski, Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, PhD arch.

Jan Słyk, Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, PhD arch., professor

Stefan Wrona, Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, PhD arch., professor


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