Keeping its Feet: The Drama of "Nick and the Candlestick"—for the Fifth Anniversary of Plath Profiles

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Seph Rodney



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Author Biography

Seph Rodney

Seph Rodney


was born in Jamaica, the West Indies, and came of age in the Bronx, New York. He has an English degree from Long Island University, a studio art MFA from The University of California, and is in the process of finishing a research PhD at the London Consortium program, Birkbeck College, the University of London. His research work investigates the social practice of visiting museums of art. He has written on art for several publications, including Whitehot Magazine , Artthub Asia, and Artillery Magazine. He created, produced and hosted a radio show in London called The Thread, which finished its fifth season this year. He is now at work on a new radio show. He was featured in the Favorite Poem Project, many years ago, talking about Sylvia Plath. He is working on a way to revolutionize the delivery of social services at the local level. He lives in New York.