Review Essay: Indigenous Motivations: Recent Acquisitions from the National Museum of the American Indian

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Dasha Chapman
Mina Ellison
Anne Kwiatt
Tate LeFevre
Claire Nicholas
Sandra Rozental
Susanne Sabolcsi-Boros
April Strickland
Sabra Thorner


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Review Essays
Author Biographies

Dasha Chapman, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Mina Ellison, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Anne Kwiatt, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Tate LeFevre, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Claire Nicholas, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Sandra Rozental, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Susanne Sabolcsi-Boros, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

April Strickland, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.

Sabra Thorner, New York University

This review was written collaboratively during the graduate seminar Anthropology in and of Museums, taught at NYU’s Program in Museum Studies. The project was directed and edited by Professor Haidy Geismar.