Exhibiting Heritage The Native American Church Observes a Centennial

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Daniel C. Swan
Aleksandr Chudak


This project report discusses the 2018 Centennial Commemoration of the Native American Church State of Oklahoma (NAC-OK). Chartered in 1918 the NAC-OK is an intertribal organization dedicated to the protection of the First Amendment rights of its members to use peyote as a holy sacrament. The Centennial Committee of the NAC-OK invited the University of Oklahoma’s Sam Noble Museum to collaborate on an interpretive exhibition on the history of the NAC-OK. The Committee and the museum employed a methodology grounded in shared authority to integrate community driven content with established museum processes for exhibition development. This approach allowed the museum to produce the exhibition through the museum’s established workflow while privileging community interpretation and design.


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Project Reports
Author Biographies

Daniel C. Swan, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History

Daniel C. Swan is Curator of Ethnology emeritus at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and Professor of Anthropology emeritus in the Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma.

Aleksandr Chudak, Independent scholar

Aleksandr Chudak is an independent scholar.


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