Material Culture and Heritage Safeguarding in Southwest China A Report on a Symposium Organized by the International Folklore Studies Center

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Jason Baird Jackson
Lijun Zhang


A project report describes the symposium “Material Culture and Heritage Safeguarding in Southwest China” held online on September 16–17, 2021. Organized by the International Folklore Studies Center, a joint center of Beijing Normal University and Indiana University, the event centered on research presentations from a binational (United States, China) team studying craft and associated cultural heritage issues among ethnic groups in Southwest China and the impact of intangible cultural heritage policies on craft practices and craft producers. The research, and associated exhibition and programming activities, have been undertaken since 2013 under the auspices of a larger collaboration between the China Folklore Society and American Folklore Society.


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Project Reports


American Folklore Society. 2021. “China-US Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage Project—American Folklore Society.” 2021.

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Jackson, Jason Baird, Jessica Anderson Turner, Shiyang Gong, Lijun Zhang, and Sarah Junk Hatcher, eds. 2019. The Seventh Forum on China-US Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Collaborative Work in Museum Folklore and Heritage Studies. Beijing: American Folklore Society.

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