Contributions By & About Youth

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Theresa A. Ochoa
Sophie Hand
Sydney Edwards
Gladis Hernández Márquez
Berenice Pérez Ramírez
Marisol Ramírez Sánchez
Angela Hernández Méndez
Jazmin Aparicio Sánchez
Claire de Mézerville López


Each Issue of Law & Disorder features contributions by youth who are incarcerated. "I am Madison" is a young girl’s personal account of the devastating impact drugs have had on three generations of females in her family. In the interest of representing Madison’s individual voice, her contribution has been included with minimal revisions from the journal’s executive board.

The contribution "Best Practices with Youth Engaged in the Juvenile Justice System in Oaxaca, Mexico," written by Gladis Hernández Márquez and a group of scholars from Mexico and Costa Rica, describes the successes achieved by a juvenile detention center in Oaxaca, Mexico called Dirección Especializada de Medidas para Adolescentes (DEMA). It marks the first time Law & Disorder has featured a publication about the duties of correctional personnel who work with incarcerated youths. It is published in both English and Spanish.


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How to Cite
Ochoa, T. A., Hand, S., Edwards, S., Hernández Márquez, G., Pérez Ramírez, B., Ramírez Sánchez, M., Hernández Méndez, A., Aparicio Sánchez, J., & de Mézerville López, C. (2024). Contributions By & About Youth. The Undergraduate Journal of Law &Amp; Disorder, 7, 44–62. Retrieved from