Understanding the Brain of an Adolescent with Schizophrenia

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Catherine Meador


This paper aims to summarize current research on the schizophrenic brain to describe the abnormalities seen in patients with schizophrenia at the cellular and gross anatomical level. The symptoms of this disorder are diverse in both manifestation and severity from person to person, which is reflected in the heterogeneity of brain abnormalities cited in the scientific literature. First, a description of schizophrenia and its implications will be addressed, especially in special education. The structure of the brain and schizophrenia’s impact will be discussed.


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How to Cite
Meador, C. (2024). Understanding the Brain of an Adolescent with Schizophrenia. The Undergraduate Journal of Law &Amp; Disorder, 7, 81–89. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/lad/article/view/38285