Multiculturalism in Rural Education A Call for Integration

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Sara Mechraoui


Choosing a multicultural approach to teaching in the commonly-conceived homogenous rural schools is an emerging avenue of research. Inspired by the readings on the two trends of rural literacy and multiculturalism, this paper examines the relevance of adopting a multicultural approach to teaching writing in rural schools. After providing a short treatise on multiculturalism in rural education, model lesson plans about developing learners' metacultural competence are detailed in addition to a sample answer. The results showed the significant impact the lessons had on me as an ESOL learner and a multilingual. It further suggests some recommendations for teachers aspiring to tackle this facet of inclusion and teaching composition in rural schools.


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How to Cite
Mechraoui, S. (2021). Multiculturalism in Rural Education: A Call for Integration. Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East, 3(1), 64–75. Retrieved from


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