Leveraging Module Conditional Release to Support Evidence-Based Practices

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Sarah Johnson


Large enrollment, asynchronous online courses pose many teaching and learning challenges. Instructors want to use evidence-based practices like building connections with students, providing personalized support, giving quick feedback on formative assessments, and encouraging student engagement and self-regulation within the course. Yet, large asynchronous online classrooms can make those important evidence-based practices difficult. This Quick-Hit provides a detailed overview of module conditional release, a learning management system tool that can support instructors in achieving these evidence-based practices in large online courses. The application of conditional release and supporting tools and strategies will be discussed alongside a description of how instructors can leverage this technological support to better connect with students, provide personalized support, produce feedback opportunities on formative assessment and encourage student engagement and self-regulation, all at scale.  


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How to Cite
Johnson, S. (2024). Leveraging Module Conditional Release to Support Evidence-Based Practices . Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.14434/jotlt.v13i1.38225
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