Balancing Grace

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Courtney J. W. Fecske


Before handing out my midterm exam the Thursday before Spring Break, the unease in the classroom was palpable. I questioned, is it the right thing to do to give a midterm exam now? Two days prior we learned online instruction would begin the week after spring break for the week and possibly longer. This was an unprecedented scenario. I never took a seminar titled, How to Continue Teaching During a Pandemic. I resolved myself with the attitude of we’ll get through this together; let’s get it done. Before passing out exams, I informally assessed students to see how many had taken an online course before, few hands raised. I then asked how everyone was feeling in regard to our inevitable online transition. Students expressed anxiety and worry because they had never taken a class titled, How to Continue to Learn During a Pandemic. As educators as we move ahead to an uncertain culture of learning, we must strive to listen and learn, grow in our pedagogies, and balance grace and flexibility with expectation.


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How to Cite
Fecske, C. J. W. (2021). Balancing Grace. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 10(1).
Reflective Essay