Reframing Writing Instruction in Physical Learning Environments: Making Connections Between Digital and Nondigital Technologies

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Andy Buchenot
Tiffany Anne Roman


Active Learning Classrooms provide several advantages for teaching and learning by offering many physical and technological affordances that one can choose from when designing instruction. For courses where student writing is central activity to course learning outcomes, a challenge exists in that the innovative digital technologies may hide the opportunity to incorporate non-digital tools, such as paper-based student writing. We argue that treating student writing as a technology can increase opportunities for active learning within technology-enhanced learning environments. In this article, we describe an approach to writing instruction that builds intentional connections between paper-based texts and digital technologies, describing the rationale for the design decisions in an introductory composition course through a design case model. Classroom applications are discussed for physical learning spaces where student writing is incorporated into overall course learning activities.


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Buchenot, A., & Roman, T. A. (2019). Reframing Writing Instruction in Physical Learning Environments: Making Connections Between Digital and Nondigital Technologies. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 8(1), 87–98.
Case Study


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