Student Engagement Across Cultures - Investigating Lecture Software

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Alison J Green
Gail Sammons
Alice Swift


Most instructors are looking for ways to improve student engagement in higher education classrooms across the globe.  With the influx of tablets and laptops as the tool for students in the 21st century, the question arises of how best to integrate technology into the design of a lecture and is there a difference when designing a lecture with technology across cultures?  The purpose of this study was to investigate lecture software in the classroom. Students and instructors from Singapore and the U.S. participated.  The instrument, to collect the perceptions of the lecture software was the Student Engagement Survey, and the results reveal that active learning was a common educational thread across the globe by using the lecture software technology.


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Green, A. J., Sammons, G., & Swift, A. (2017). Student Engagement Across Cultures - Investigating Lecture Software. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 6(1), 15–30.


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