Impact of Pre-Service Teachers on P-5 Student Learning: Results of Unit Instructions

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Hsiu-Lien Lu
Nancy M. Arrington
Bryan W. Griffin


This quantitative study utilized 1,640 P-5 students’ learning outcomes as a result of unit instructions that pre-service teachers gave to P-5 students in the field. The study investigated the difference in P-5 student learning outcomes after a unit instruction by three practicum course tiers, considering socioeconomic statuses, student grade levels, and subject areas of the content taught by the pre-service teacher. Using normalized gain scores, we used a t test and regression tests to analyze the data. Based on the findings, recommendations for pre-service teacher education include three items: a) to provide differentiated supervision based on pre-service teachers’ experiences and needs, b) to require a proportionate and incremental assignment responding to the amount of pre-service teachers’ experiences and hours in the classroom, and c) to incorporate co-teaching opportunities to facilitate peer learning and support in early field experiences. 


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How to Cite
Lu, H.-L., Arrington, N. M., & Griffin, B. W. (2018). Impact of Pre-Service Teachers on P-5 Student Learning: Results of Unit Instructions. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(2), 39–53.
Author Biographies

Hsiu-Lien Lu, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Department of Eduation and Learning Technology

Associate Professor

Nancy M. Arrington, Georgia Southern University

Department of Teaching and Learning

Associate Professor

Bryan W. Griffin, Georgia Southern University

Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading

Associate Professor


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