The influence of involvement with faculty and mentoring on the self-efficacy and academic achievement of African American and Latino college students

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Stacie Craft DeFreitas
Antonio Bravo Jr.


African American and Latino college students were surveyed to examine the influence of involvement with faculty and mentoring on self-efficacy and academic achievement. It was hypothesized that involvement with faculty and mentoring were related to greater academic achievement. It was suggested that the relationship of these factors was mediated by self- efficacy. Involvement with faculty and self efficacy were significantly related to academic achievement. The relationship between involvement with faculty and better academic achievement was partially explained by higher self-efficacy. Possible explanations for mentoring not being predictive of academic achievement are provided and the significance of faculty-student interactions is discussed.


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How to Cite
DeFreitas, S. C., & Bravo Jr., A. (2012). The influence of involvement with faculty and mentoring on the self-efficacy and academic achievement of African American and Latino college students. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 12(4), 1–11. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Stacie Craft DeFreitas, University of Houston-Downtown

Dr. Stacie Craft DeFreitas is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Houston-Downtown.  She received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Duke University in 2006.  Her primary research interests are concerning the academic and mental health development of youth, particularly urban, ethnic minority youth. 

Antonio Bravo Jr., University of Houston-Downtown

Antonio Bravo Jr. is a 2012 graduate with honors from the University of Houston Downtown with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Antonio was an officer in the International Honor Society in Psychology at UHD as well as president and member of other school organizations.


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