Bridging theory to practice with classroom rounds

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Connie L Bowman
Janet M Herrelko


Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the how to teach were challenged by the process of classroom rounds in this study. Classroom rounds were defined as pre-conference, classroom observations and post-conference with evidence based discussions focusing on school-based practices. The pre-service teachers shared their observational data and beliefs about teaching with an experienced classroom teacher to learn the context of pedagogical practices in a classroom setting. Rounds in combination with clinical experience extended the pre-service teachers’ awareness of research-based practices, the importance of and how to implement these practices in their classrooms. Post student teaching surveys revealed the impact these observed practices had on the pre-service teachers’ classroom procedures.



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Bowman, C. L., & Herrelko, J. M. (2014). Bridging theory to practice with classroom rounds. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(4), 51–66.
Author Biographies

Connie L Bowman, University of Dayton

Teacher Education

Associate Professor

Janet M Herrelko, University of Dayton

Teacher Education

Associate Professor


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