Revising with Metacognition to Promote Writing Achievement A Case Study

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Cassandra O'Sullivan Sachar


Abstract: This study examined the relationship between metacognitive revision and writing achievement. Since American students often have had little strategic writing instruction in high school, they frequently come to college as non-proficient writers. By focusing on self-improvement rather than agonizing over the quality of the final product, struggling writers’ fears and lack of confidence can be mitigated, allowing growth. Requiring students to revise their essays and explain these revisions may influence the likelihood of completing the stages of the writing process, including using feedback. Results indicated that students who received high scores in revision explanations often received higher scores on the final essays than their peers. Additionally, from the pre- to post-intervention attitudinal survey, student responses showed more positive feelings about writing, increased confidence in ability and self-efficacy, and greater interest in providing feedback to classmates. Despite these gains, fewer students at the end of the semester felt that feedback, revision and reflection affected their writing performance, suggesting feelings of frustration at the multi-faceted process.


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How to Cite
Sachar, C. O. (2020). Revising with Metacognition to Promote Writing Achievement: A Case Study. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 20(3).